Here we are! Week 7! (as of last Saturday)
Baby Development
At the point of making this blog post I am officially 7 weeks 4 days. There is a bunch going on development wise in baby McCabe. This week is the week where everything seems to be sprouting. Last week the "alien baby" (as the hubby fondly refers to it) was tadpole like and had a tail. This week, its growing arm, leg, hand, and feet buds. Its also starting to develop eyelids and a nose! Its doubled in size from last week and is now roughly half an inch around; about the size of a blueberry.
How am I changing?
I think I actually have the start of a baby bump! (see above pic and tell me what you think!) I'm convinced its the baby and not a food baby because with food I can usually suck in the chub and go back to having the flat stomach. Now when I suck in, nothing happens and the bump is consistently hard. I haven't gained any weight yet either so in my mind this just confirms my thoughts :)
My clothes are starting to fit a little tighter too... (TMI moment so if you don't want to know skip to the next paragraph!) Most of my pants are a little tighter and a struggle to wear. I can put them on in the morning but by afternoon it hurts my midsection to have them buckled. Confession: I wear long undershirts so I can go unzipped and unbuckled when the pants get too tight. hehe I've also come to the conclusion that sometime in the VERY NEAR future, I need to buy some new bras. I was going to try to wait to see how big the ladies were gonna get, but at this point there's no place for them to go but out. My whole bra life I've been 30-31 around (32 band size) and my cup size has just gone up as I've gotten older. For the first time, I'm pretty sure my band size is getting bigger because it physically hurts to breath by the end of the day. Some people suggested I wear my sports bras, but the band size problem is still the same. (So mom, if you are reading this, you know what we will be doing next week when I come up!)
Symptom Check!
Morning sickness: this week hasn't been too bad... in the sense that I haven't felt nauseous all day.. I'll feel fine and then all of a sudden I'm running to the bathroom and then I feel fine again. I've also had this problem connected to my allergies. For all that know me, you all know my allergy list is a long one and that I've been seeing an allergist for the past few years. I've been getting allergy shots and they have made a HUGE difference. However, since we found out we were expecting the allergist said I should check with my OB to make sure she was on board with me continuing them. The allergist said he would cut my dosage in half of what I am at now (I'm on a maintenance dose as of now) for the pregnancy and bring me back up when the baby is born. But.. my OB wasn't having it. She didn't necessarily say no, but she didn't say yes either, she said she would research it and let me know next time... 4 weeks later... and by that time I would be two months overdue for shots. So basically I have to start over anyway :( But any who, this connected to morning sickness: with my allergies comes horrible continuous nasal drainage into the back of my throat, and with that come a really bad gag reflex. When I wasn't pregnant I could hawk a loogie with the best of 'em, now.. I just end up puking. (fail)
Chest soreness: I know a couple weeks ago I said my chest has been really sore, this kind still true. It hasn't been as bad, but I have been super sore at the end of the day, then again this could be in conjunction with the current bra problem....
Food aversions: Baby still doesn't like Mexican food of any kind, (yes I keep trying every week) not even my own! But other then that I haven't really been brave enough to try new things. I hate wasting food and keep feeling like I'm wasting food when it comes back up.
Cravings?!?: So I don't know if this part is as much of cravings as much as it is defiance. For those who know me, you know how much I hate being told what I can and can't do. Well the OB said to lay off the carbs and eat high protein. And protein in the form of no lunch meats or hot dogs... So this lady wants me to starve.... No hotdogs!??! really!?!? ANNNDDD you are telling an Italian to lay of the carbs?! Really!!?? so Naturally the fist thing I want is pasta (carbs)... and a cheddar worst (Forbidden food). Not together. I have also been wanting PB&Js in any form: tortilla wrap, biscuit, bread, cracker (Carbs, Don't judge me). Chips and dip (carbs), pizza (carbs with forbidden meats!). It not all bad cravings though, I have been liking salads (COLD salad) and super cold beverages (mainly water and ginger ale right now). So I've been trying to start all my meals with a salad, that way when I want the bad stuff I'm a little full already. And I'll also admit.. I bought a jar of sweet baby pickles... yep pickles.. but not with Ice Cream.. that still sounds gross to me.
Exhaustion: I'm still super tired, ALL THE TIME. Naps have become a must, when I try to skip naps (like the last couple days) I get really grumpy and short with the hubby. This was especially hard on Saturday when we went to a friend's wedding. I was super tired by the end and nauseous. And then we had an hour drive home... I was able to keep it together until we got home, then I lost my cookies, brushed my teeth and passed out. I have been trying to get out each day and keep up some of my previous stamina. This is one thing I look forward to getting back in my second trimester!
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Me right before we left for the wedding Saturday |
Home Life
Home life has been really good, I'm kind of nesting in the sense that I've decided while the hubby is gone for his five week training, I'm going to try and get some painting done in the house. I also have a list of things I'm going to try and clean and organize as well. (It's so much easier to clean a space when your spouse isn't there to constantly make a new mess!)
Baby Room?
One of the rooms I'm going to start on is the baby room. For the past two years, the room that we designated as a future baby room has been a guest room, then in the last year converted into a child guest room. I was given my old crib from my mom and a toddler bed from my friends who's child out grew it. It also has a super long dresser from our original bedroom set. So we kind of already have most of the furniture for the room! While the hubby is gone, I'm going to clean out the closet of all his extra guitar cases and move them into the other guest room (yes we have/ had two guest rooms.. big house for only two people). I also hope to in list some of my friends to help me paint the room. Some may be thinking already? But sure why not is what I say, I've always had a vision for that room and its been a gender neutral pallet so it will work whatever I go with. When I actually work on that room I'll be sure to make a special post with before and after pics!
My Shadow:
Meet Bruno. Some of you may know him as my second pup. He's such a sweat tempered puppy, and ever since we found out I'm expecting, he has been stalking me. When I'm puking, he's right there licking my arm. When I'm napping, he's napping with me, when I'm at the table, he's at my feet. Mitzi is still Mitzi and is just as loving, but recently I think she's having sympathy morning sickness, because she's been getting sick in the morning and is fine the rest of the day!
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Bruno |
Meet Bruno. Some of you may know him as my second pup. He's such a sweat tempered puppy, and ever since we found out I'm expecting, he has been stalking me. When I'm puking, he's right there licking my arm. When I'm napping, he's napping with me, when I'm at the table, he's at my feet. Mitzi is still Mitzi and is just as loving, but recently I think she's having sympathy morning sickness, because she's been getting sick in the morning and is fine the rest of the day!
Hubby is leaving
By this time next week, my hubby will have left for his five week training. I'll be eight weeks when he leaves and when he gets back I'll be right around 13. It's gonna be tough without him here as far as household chores go. I'll have to take over his jobs of trash and picking up after the pets (this one is tough because of the kitty litter and the fact that my allergist AND the pregnancy books say no to doing this). When he gets back I should have a definite baby bump by then too! He'll have missed a Dr's appointment, maybe two where I'll hear the heartbeat. He's super bummed about this but we are also really proud of the opportunities this job training will give him! So please keep him in your prayers over the next month!
I know its a lot for one week, but that's what I've been up to!
Until next time,
Bre and the bump!