Week 8
Sad Day:
I have to be honest and say this weeks post will not be as exciting as my last couple posts. I will try but this has been a rough week in the McCabe home. Not baby wise though, so don't let your brain go there! The sad news is my hubby left yesterday. :( OH!! Don't let your brain go there either! If you've been following my posts you know he has a five week training for work out of state. So, we have been working this last week on getting him ready and making sure he has all his ducks in a row. I dropped him off at the van yesterday with the rest of his work buddies and bid him goodbye.
So here are the sad parts:
I don't know when I'll be able to talk to him again... The first week for sure I should not hear from him. Last year I heard from him on the third day, and that was to let me know he had gotten the stomach flu and was being sent home. On one hand I was happy to hear from him and on the other sad his opportunity had to wait till this year. Now he's gone off again (in MUCH better health this time!) and the hope is I don't hear from him for at least a week. But it totally sucks because Easter is Sunday and I'll probably not be able to hear from him!
Next sad thing: as soon as I got home from dropping him off the pups have been searching the house for him. They finally gave up and have been sulking ever since! I really think the pups are taking it really hard. He hasn't been gone too long and I feel they KNOW he's going to be gone for a long while. I think I'm not doing too bad because my entire relationship with the hubby started out long distance with us living on opposite sides of the city. Also, when he got this job we were not living together for the first 5 months of our marriage, so what's 5 weeks? lol
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Sulking Bruno |
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Depressed Mitzi |
Back to the bump!!
I'm 8 weeks 4 days as of today!
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8 weeks 2 Days |
Baby McCabe is the size of a gummy bear this week! (I'm holding one in my left hand above for reference) Big news this week is the gummy bear is growing some fingers and toes! They are still webbed, but every week the "alien" (as it's father fondly refers to it) is looking more and more like a baby. The long tail of the spinal chord has pretty much all been absorbed into the body and is no longer a tail! (no more tadpole!) Also, the heart has divided into the chambers and is pumping at approximately 150 bpm. And finally the baby's nerve cells in the brain are rapidly making connections. - lets do a quick check.. ehhem...
At 8 weeks pregnant, the baby is technically six weeks old gestation and has the following: a heartbeat, nervous system, brain, arms, legs, fingers, toes, early developments of a face... It's crazy to stop and think sometimes about how creation works. God is such an almighty and powerful being and yet, in something as small as a gummy bear (roughly 1/2 inch to 3/4 of an inch) He has created such an amazing small delicate living being. -the pregnancy emotions kick in now and I have to just sit and appreciate the gift He has blessed me and my hubby with.
Symtom Check!
BUMP: oh common! those of you who told me last week's picture was just "gas," look at this weeks! I wouldn't say I "popped" but there is a pooch for sure all the time, and unlike my husband I am NOT gassy ALL the time (we'll get to that later). Most of my "skinny jeans" are not wanting to button :( since I refuse to buy new cloths this early on, I actually ordered some belly bands.
Morning sickness: I have to agree with last week, it really hasn't been that bad. It may be however that I have found that yes I'm sick feeling in the mornings, but that's how I ALWAYS feel with an empty stomach. So, I've been trying to make sure I eat smaller meals and snacks more frequently and that seems to be helping. I still have been having random bouts of nausea that hit me out of nowhere but not nearly as much as the first week of blogs. (yay for mind over matter!!)
Heartburn/Metal taste: So kind of adding to the morning sickness would be heartburn or a really gross metallic taste in my mouth. Most of the time when I'm not feeling nauseous, I have a weird metal taste in the back of my mouth that kind of burns... this usually leads to a puke session but I'm getting better at not letting it happen! Then comes the heartburn, it's not as bad as it was when I first was pregnant and since I've been better about eating foods. BUT! Mexican food... yeah that gives heartburn... Why baby WHHHYYYY!?!?!?
Cravings: Yep!! They are here! Waffles waffles waffles, I'm pretty sure I can eat them everyday, if I wasn't the one having to make them. I've eaten quite a few of these (don't tell my OB!), but earlier this week I had waffles.. and pasta... and didn't realize what I had done until after I had eaten it... So I'd say that was a weird combo (baby liked!). Baby still hates Mexican food. :( at this point I'm ready to give up on it until the second trimester. *tears* I just hate wasting good food!
Exhaustion: This I think will be with me for a few more weeks, or at least until this trimester is over. I've been fighting taking naps during the day and try to go on walks, but the walks are getting really hard. This is especially true when here in Southern Arizona its been in the mid 90's all week. When I do take naps, they have been super short because as soon as I would lay down I would think of a million things I need to get done for the hubby before he left!
Sleep/Pee: This has been hard; as tired as I have been I'm having a hard time sleeping. Part of this is due to not being able to get comfortable and the other is my bladder! Two weeks ago I was averaging about 2-3 bathroom visits a night, now.. no less then 5! No matter what I do! I've been trying to not drink too much before bed.. still have to go 5 times. Here's the sucky part: I'm a light sleeper, so when I'm up, I'm up; and it takes me at least 30 min to get back to sleep... times that by 5 and I'm getting ditched out of like 3 hours of sleep each night! Well I guess it's back to college sleep hours with baby sleep prep 101?
Uterus/Cramps: I have really been noticing mild cramping when I'm laying down in my lower abdomen. Upon research I learned that from conception to now my uterus has more then doubled in size; it's now roughly a little bigger then a grapefruit. And as it expands, the uterus fills with more fluid (hence my clothes not fitting as well now). The baby book my friend gave me also says it's totally normal and I'll probably be feeling this the most through the first trimester as it gets bigger stretching ligaments and moving more north into my belly region.
Gas: This one kind of sucks. I've never considered myself a super gassy person (that would be my husband), but the gas I have experienced this last week is bad. Not in the frequency, the smell.. still not as bad as my husband's (he should win an award) but bad for me. Luckily most of the time I'm not in public when this happens!
Breakouts: My poor skin! You may have noticed in this week's picture that I have broken out around my chin. :( I've never had perfect skin, but I think the baby hormones are messing with my complexion because they literally just showed up! I don't normally wear makeup if I'm going to just be around the house, so my skin has been pretty good lately. But, suddenly all these breakouts are appearing, no matter how much I wash my face. This is also a reason I didn't "makeup" my face for the pic. No use clogging my poor pores more then they need to be!
Well that's it for this time!
Until next time (later this week!)
Bre and the Bump!
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