So I'm not even going to apologize for the long laps in time between posts, instead I'll go strait into
Life/HUBBY Update!:
So I finally got to talk to the hubby! Two Saturday nights ago, he was able to call me and let me know he was doing well, but tired and grateful for a couple days off before going back into training. So we got to chat Saturday and Sunday. Monday he was supposed to go back to training so when he called me I was worried that he had been injured, but he said they had not yet taken the phones away. He did however say he thought he was getting a cold which is worrisome because part of the training he was doing involves continuous deep diving, and with a cold pressure is harder to regulate. So Tuesday came and went and then Wednesday night around 10:30 PM I get a text from him. Its a picture of his ear with blood flowing out of it. Immediately I think blown eardrum. Naturally I freak out and start texting back relentlessly until he finally called me at 11PM and tells me that the Dr at the ER thinks he has a perforated ear drum. AKA, he's being sent home from training because even though physically he's ok, if he were to get his ear wet, he would get uncontrollably sick and then have horrible vertigo and possibly get an infection. He says he will be coming home tomorrow (Thursday.. aka usual posting day) but didn't know what time or how. This mainly because he wasn't well enough to drive himself back from another state by himself, and they weren't sure how his ear would do on a plane. (this is where those who follow me on Facebook saw my post about him coming home and the requests for prayer ((THANKS BY THE WAY FOR ALL THE PRAYERS!)))
So Thursday comes and they decide he will be ok on a plane and I end up picking him up in the afternoon. Poor guy is green. The plane ride was rough on him with the pressure changes and by this time he has a full blown cold. :( I get him fed and in bed. The next day I take him to his work to check back in and they recommend we go to a nearby urgent care to be reevaluated because the hubby is reporting he feels worse. It's a good thing we did because his ear is now infected and so full of puss the Dr can't even see his eardrum. She recommended no work until seen by an ENT (Ear Nose and Throat DR.) So those of you who have EVER had to get an appointment with a specialist know the pain in the butt it can be to get an appointment the same month, let alone the same week! BUT! Luckily, the hubby's dad is a Dr and gave us the hook up. He was able to talk to one of his colleagues and get him to squeeze us in that upcoming Monday.
Fast forward to this last Monday. The ENT sees the hubby, cleans out his ear with his special tools (crazy that the last two Drs did nothing to clean out his ear the whole time!) does a series of tests and calls us back in for the verdict. This again is where we say THANK YOU FOR ALL THE PRAYERS! The Dr informs us that the hubby's ear is NOT perforated! It is swollen and has fluid behind it which is causing the vertigo but with the rest of the antibiotics and some new steroids for a week will go away. He did say also that the ear cannel (before the eardrum for those who did't take anatomy like I did in college) was cut on the top part and two bruises on the bottom of the cannel. This too would explain with the cold how his ear got infected. So since then he has slowly been getting better and is expected to be able to return to work this coming Monday.
SOOOO you can kind of now see why I didn't really have the time to post a week 10 and have been super busy since getting him home from the last Dr appointment Monday!
But as far as updates for me:
Last Wednesday before I got the scary call from the Hubby I had my 10 week appointment at the Dr and I heard the bump's heartbeat! It was 164 BPM and the Dr said she has no worries and says I'm progressing nicely. I remember on a past post I said I gained two pounds, but as of that appointment I guess I didn't gain any weight. I know it's said not to weigh yourself on different scales because they are calibrated differently. So I guess my scale at home measures a little heavier then the Dr's. She did say this is nothing to worry about as the 1st trimester can have a weight gain anywhere from 0-5ish pounds. She also said I was a pretty healthy weight pre pregnancy so I'll probably only gain 25-30 pounds for the whole of my pregnancy as long as I never use the excuse I'm eating for two.
This last weekend my parents came down here from Phoenix to hang out with me and work on the baby room. (But the hubby ended getting all the attention because he was here lol) We did paint most of the baby room though (I'll post pics after we have a gender reveal. I'll have a whole post about the room, its a work in progress now so it wouldn't make sense to post pics of it.) Now most people I told this to think that A: I'm crazy for making the baby room this early because of what can still happen, but as all of you know, I cherish life from the moment of conception. And this is a way of me celebrating the bump in me (despite our disagreement of food right now.. me: I want to eat this.. Baby: I dare you! try it and see what happens!!) and it also gives me something to do with all my free time. B: You can't paint a room without knowing the gender! Well PPTTTTTT to you! It's my house and my baby and I can do what I want! But anyone who really knows me, knows my thoughts on conforming to gender norms when it comes to decorating for baby. The room will NOT be pink if a girl or blue if its a boy, I want this baby to appreciate all colors and not feel pressured to fall into a category of pink or blue..*though when we do a gender reveal.. there will be pink and blue at the party announce it. C: Nesting isn't supposed to happen for much longer; well you may also know, I'm type A personality and kinda OCD... that combined... well... the baby room is getting done is all I can say lol. My mom and I also went through my fabric collection and found some colors for the crib skirt and teething bumpers and some other surprise touches I can't reveal until I make my room post :)
This last week has been nice because the hubby has been home. It's super great to have my favorite companion back. Not to mention the dogs are over the moon with happiness, I really wish I had taped the hubby coming home.. they FREAKED out for a good 20 min... ever heard a dog scream from happiness... well my shepherd did and it took a while to calm her down. And each morning since she does the same thing almost as if to say "I can't believe you are still here!!!!" Bruno.. yeah he just wiggles until he falls over from loosing his balance.. he's more of a quiet happy.
I think I should also note that my dogs have been SUPER protective of me! Mitzi won't let ANY men (except for my dad and the friends from church) near me. And even Bruno has gotten to barking at other people/dogs on our walks!
Symptom Check!
Morning sickness: Nausea has been HORRIBLE these last two weeks. Or more really it has been the heartburn. When I was at the Dr, she prescribed me with 75 mg of Zantac twice a day, and it's.. kind of helping. Most days now I'm ok, but there are still a few where I don't think it worked. Also it should be noted, that since the hubby has come home sick I've puked more because of all the flem he's coughed up... my gag reflex is BAD...
Cravings: I have had moments of I MUST EAT THIS NOW!! For instance the other day I really wanted chili, so we find a place with really good chili, (Texas Road House if you are wondering) I eat it and we go about our day.. by the time I get home I have HORRIBLE heart burn and feel like crap the rest of the day. :( ... this is what "cravings" have been like for me. I want something, eat it and then it bites me in the butt later... sigh
Tiredness: I'm still super tired all the time and really look forward to the second trimester when all this goes away and I have energy again!
Hormones: It hasn't been to bad, except when the hubby called me saying he was hurt, that made me sad and I had to call my mom (at 11:30 PM.. SORRY MOM!) to calm me down.
Hair: I'm getting a she beard! Why is the hair growing on my chin and not the top of my head!!! This isn't right I tell you!! Me and the tweezers have been best friends these last two weeks lol. Please other moms tell me this is normal! I also have not noticed anything changing with the top of my head in the positive. Quite the opposite in fact, my ombre is shot and my hair is fried, sooooo yesterday I got it cut and colored back to more of my natural color! let me know what you think from the 11 week pic!
Belly: I'm now at the point as the hubby says "did she just have a really big lunch?" awkward stage.. I don't have a solid "bump" that makes it obvious I have a baby. It's more.. oh that girl needs to lay off whatever she's eating or the rest of her body is gonna follow. haha We're both looking forward to when it's obvious so we don't have to convince people there is a baby in my belly. Oh! And my mom got me some super cute maternity shirts that kind of help accentuate my belly :) so THANKS MOM!!
As I'm entering into my last week in the 1st trimester this Saturday (tomorrow!) I really hope that I'll start to notice the morning sickness subsiding and my energy level coming back so I can get back into my regular routine!
Well that's it for these two weeks! Again thank you all who prayed for the hubby last week and this week! We truly believe that it was a help and a factor in his ear not ending up being as bad as the first two Drs thought! See the power of prayer and faith in God does work!
Until next time!
Bre and the Bump!