Holy cow time goes by fast when you are getting to know a newborn! I can't believe Teagan is almost a month old already! So much has happened since my last post! So I'll just get right into it (and try to keep it shorter then my last one!
After she was born (Friday), we were able to go home the next day and she looked so tiny in the carseat! Here she was 6 pounds 14 ounces.
Once we got home my mom came Monday to help me out and give me advice on getting Teagan on an eating schedule (she was cluster feeding and killing my boobs... but it did help get my milk in!) That Monday we also had her first pediatrician appointment and she weighed 6 pounds 11 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long. Here we talked about my milk supply because she had lost more weight and my supply hadn't come in yet. But with my mom's guidance we got Teagan on a routine and by the follow up appointment Thursday my milk had come in and she weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces! So no more worries about her weight!
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My mom with Teagan (3 days old) |
My mom was only able to stay that Monday because she had to go back to work. We spent that first week getting to know Teagan and had a few more visitors:
It was also our 4th wedding anniversary when Teagan was 6 days old :) |
And some outfits of the day:
AANNDDD Mitzi loves Teagan
Then fast forward to the next week. My hubby had to go on a work trip so he drove me up to my parents house for Thanksgiving week (I couldn't drive because I was still on meds from tearing). But first we stopped off at his parent's place so Teagan could meet the hubby's dad and sister:
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Grandpa McCabe |
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Aunt Heather |
My dad was a HUGE help to me when I was at my parent's house. He would take Teagan and get her to nap and let me get sleep or laundry or catch up with neighbors. Here's a pic of the two of them relaxing together:
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Turkey Butt! |
My sister was also able to come and visit from California for the holiday and hang out with Teagan. (PS she's expecting now so Teagan will have a cousin come May!)
I have to admit that I'm really BAD at taking pics with my camera (bad mom right?!?!) BUT I do post pics ALOT on my INSTAGRAM so follow my profile there for more up to date pics!
Anywho, this week we came back home and had another pediatrician appointment and Teagan is now 8 pounds 4 ounces (puts her in the 50% compared to other 3 week olds), and 21 1/2 inches long (90% compared to other 3 week olds). So basically I have an average weight, tall baby. And I have to agree, looking at the first pic of her leaving the hospital (car seat pic) to how I have now had to adjust the car seat strap height up one, she's definitely gotten longer! Even her newborn onesies seem to be getting too short on her, but not too tight.. she's just long limbed!
Postpartum update: Being a mother is amazing and definitely an adjustment! I love every minute of it, but holy cow I never knew I could be so busy! My days basically disappear as I go from diaper change to feeding, to diaper laundry, to baby cloths laundry, to grownup laundry etc... and then boom my day is gone and I'm thinking wow I should have napped today! But so far I've been super lucky with Teagan she doesn't sleep through the whole night, but she does do two 4-5 hour sleep times at night so I'm not going to complain! What three week old do you know that sleeps that long at night!? (I did ask her pediatrician if I should wake her up more often and he said to just count my blessings because chances are she may change her mind at some point.)
As far as weight loss, I have about a pound to go to be back at my pre pregnancy weight. Now before you go hating on me and my weight loss remember I only gained 18 pounds... take away a 7 pound baby, the placenta, all that extra fluid.. so yeah makes sense right? Plus I'm no where near my pre pregnancy body build, so my focus is on walking right now (I'm not cleared for working out until after my 6 week postpartum appointment). I'll post a pic of me next time (probably next week when she's a month old)
Well that's if for now (This mamma needs a nap!)
Until next time,
Bre and Teagan