Week 16
Hey Family and Friends!
This week was pretty uneventful as far as baby stuff goes. I did make a post on a mommy haul I did (My Zulily order FINALLY came in). I read in my book and my weekly app that as early as 16 weeks moms can start feeling "fluttering" from the baby. Well not me! At my last Dr's appointment she told me I probably won't feel any movement until as early as 18 weeks because this is my first. She even joked that I would probably "feel" it sooner but since this is my first I won't even realize what I'm feeling and chalk it up to gas (haha).
We are almost done with one of the projects we've been working on the last couple weeks, and if I can get it done in time I'll have a post on it for my mid week post this week! (I'll attach a sneak peak at the end of this post)
The baby is about 4 1/2 inches in length and weighs roughly 2 3/4 ounces now :) The baby is still covered in the fine soft hair called lanugo (lets all cheer for heartburn!). The baby also can hear us from inside the womb! (although I haven't asked to confirm) The baby now has fingernails and the arms and legs have grown and are moving (though I still can't feel the movements). When I have my ultrasound in a couple weeks I should A: hopefully feel the baby by then but if not I'll B: be able to see the movement in the the scan.
Fun fact at this point in the baby's development I am no longer aloud to sleep or lay on my back. Now I've never been much of a back sleeper... apparently until this week. My hubby has had to wake me up a couple time and roll me to my side. Yes I have the pregnancy pillow that is supposed to help with that but apparently I just sleep on top of it. (hehe)
Symptom Check!
Heartburn: It's not as bad as last week, I've been able to go down in dosage for the medication, but its still there!
Growth: I'm getting FAT!!! My weight really hasn't changed that much but none of my shorts (except the maternity ones I bought) fit me anymore! Even my stretchy workout pants are at the point of not wanting to stretch around my hips... I'm definitely going to need to get some new cloths ASAP!
Nausea: As throughout the whole pregnancy I haven't had morning sickness, more like heartburn so bad I puke. But this last week SMELLS are really getting to me: my husbands farts (I'm not kidding! He STINKS!), dishes in the sink overnight, leftovers... one sniff of something and BAM! nearest bathroom or trashcan!
Nosebleeds: I didn't think this was a symptom of pregnancy actually. I used to get bad nosebleeds before I got my allergy shots years ago. So when I had to stop the shots I figured the nosebleeds I've been having were from the allergies coming back. But, apparently because of the large amount of blood flow it takes to grow a baby, nosebleeds are common. However I still wonder if it's partly my allergies because my nose has been stuffed ever since I stopped getting shots.
Headaches: This is another one I thought had to do with allergies, but apparently these are common in pregnancy too.. huh
Appetite: I've defiantly gotten it back, but this baby can't keep its mind up. I eat food then an hour later the baby is like HA just kidding! I didn't want that! and the heartburn flares up.
Hiccups: I think I mentioned last time that I get the hiccups.. well I've still been getting them! It's really annoying, because as someone who rarely got them before... they hurt! I start to get chest pain! I'm not sure if this is a sign of indigestion or a side effect of heartburn, but I would LOVE to go back to normal!
Sleep: Well this one is tricky. I've been struggling since I haven't been able to sleep on my stomach... And now I can't sleep on my back! I am NOT a side sleeper! I keep waking myself up from trying to roll a certain way and haven't been sleeping very well.. and this leads to naps during the day... the dogs don't mind.. they encourage naps lol
Question Time!
For those of you who have pets or had pets when you were pregnant/had the baby:
*How did you prep the pups/kitties for the baby?
*Did you have to rearrange items in the house, ban an area to the pets?
*How did they do once the baby came (first few weeks)?
*For those with cats, did you ever catch the kitties hanging out in the crib with the baby? (I have two empty cribs that I've had to fill with spare pillows so the cats won't hang out in them)
And NOOOOWWW a sneak peak into what me and the hubby have been working on the last couple weeks (I'm gonna try and get a post up next week if I can put the final touches on it in time!) Any guesses what it is!?!??!
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Taking off the old! |
Until Next time!
Bre and the bump!