Mommy Haul #2!
Now that I've progressed from my last haul post, I've been thinking more toward our baby instead of me! Yes I've gotten bigger and YES my clothes don't fit as well but I can honestly say the belly bands from my first haul have helped extend my pants life so much! I only have one pair of pants that I can still button, but if I wear them like that, by the end of the day I'm hurting ALOT. So all my pants are pretty much worn now with the accessory of the belly band. And I can honestly say it was a GREAT investment!!
That being said, I DO live in Arizona... and this week we are supposed to be reaching our first triple digit day! So one must have is a bathing suit. I honestly haven't tried on my suits I already have (I only have one piece suits), but I know my belly will just get bigger so I made the investment in a maternity suit from Target. It cost $35 but I had a percentage off and ended up costing about $30, and I have to say that's not a bad price! I mean regular suits can cost more then that (I own one suit that cost WAY more then that!) so I think I got a pretty good deal! Plus it's pretty cute!
I also got a heads up from a really close friend on a great deal for cloth diapers! I know I've mentioned in many of my weekly update posts that we will be cloth diapering and it freaks some people out. BUT I've been pleasantly surprised to find out that at least 3 sets of my friends have cloth diapered successfully and are now onto their 2nd babies on the way, one of my friend's is currently cloth diapering her one year old and has been great help with tips, AND my informant on my great deal is about a month ahead of me in her pregnancy and will be cloth diapering for the first time too with her little one! So.. cloth is COMING BACK!! I'll be making a series of mid week posts on cloth diapering soon explaining the WHY of cloth: Why would we cloth (what's the benefit), What the different types of cloth diapers there are, and finally what our cloth diaper plans for our baby will be including what diapers we will chose and links to where we are getting them from.
But any who, as I said, my really close friend gave me the heads up that Woot had a great diaper deal one day. Now for those of you not familiar with WOOT its a daily deals site. I've used it before for their daily graphic t-shirt deals (you should check it out and click on the shirt tab!) and have gotten some fun shirts for me and the hubby, and the best part is shipping is always included in the listed price! AND shipping is just a couple days! So that being said, when my friend told me woot had cloth diapers on sale I was excited! The ones I bought are called bumpkins and the all in twos pocket diapers with snaps (you'll to stay tuned for my cloth diaper posts to know what that means!) usually retail for around $20 a piece! That specific day Woot had them for only $10 a piece! 50% off?!??! Heck yeah!! The hubby let me get five for starters (no that's not enough for the amount I'll need... again gonna have to wait for my diaper posts!) and so I could have some as examples to show to people who have questions before they fill my registry requests. The 5 I got consisted of 3 adorable prints: turtle, crocodiles, and owls, and two red ones, one with a snap in insert and one with two loose inserts :) OH! and fun fact! Bumkins is made and distributed in Phoenix Arizona!
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Cute right!? |
Next came my Zulily stash... and those of you who have followed my last few weeks worth of posts know that I'm pretty upset with Zulily. For one the shipping took FOREVER! Let me first explain how Zulily works. Like woot, they have flash sales with only a certain amount of product available. Theirs are usually 3 day sales so you have a little while longer to make purchase decisions. However Zulily doesn't order your purchase until their flash sale is over. And it product doesn't get sent directly to you. They save money by making one mass order to their facility and once they get their order they sort through it then send it out to the buyer. This seems all fine and dandy but it took FOREVER. I ordered from Zulily 3 weeks before I ordered from woot and my woot order still came in before the Zulily order. AND the Zulily order came to me in two separate packages on two separate days!
Now I thought I got a good deal on this purchase, the site had the "original" price and the sale price on each item and in the end said for my total purchase I saved $32.14. Yay good deal right!? Well let me get into these purchases then:
I noticed that the sale one day was on saddling items. I know that my hubby doesn't have hardly any experience with babies and realistically won't be able to take parenting classes to learn how to change a baby or swaddle a baby (I'm still trying to find birthing classes that will work with his schedule!). So, teaching will be left to me and I figured these swaddling items would help him out the first couple months until he gets the hang of the swaddling blankets. So first up was the Swaddle me pod:
Pretty cute right!? Its in the giraffe print and its meant for newborns. This one you just stick the baby in and zip it up into its little pod, no wrapping needed. Plus it has two zippers so the baby can be swaddled up top and diapers can be changed at the same time. Now to the price. Zulily said it normally retails for $18 and it was priced at $10. Good deal right!? BUT on amazon there is a two pack that has this print AND a plane one for basically $22.00... so really, I could have gotten basically the same deal on amazon. :/
Next was a three pack of the swaddle me stage two. Basically you put the baby in the pouch and there is velcro sides to attach around the baby, its for 7-14lb babies (hopefully I don't have a huge baby!!).
This three pack was said to cost $40 "Normally" and was on "sale" for $20. Me: Half off? great deal! BUT once again, while waiting FOREVER for the items to come in I checked Amazon... and the SAME EXACT three pack... $22.50.. Once again.. a pretty close price!
Then lastly I saw this super cute Yellow Ark Sleeper Sac by SpaSilk. This one is for when the baby is able to move around in the crib while it sleeps and no longer needs to be swaddled but still too young to have a blanket in the crib. The "original" price $14 "sale" at $8. On amazon... one by the same company but different print is $12, so this one was a pretty good deal.
All in all I DO like the products I got, but hated the wait time. AND even though I DID save money.. its not as much as I had really thought, Instead of saving $32 I really only saved $7.. and that was basically shipping costs so I saved shipping costs ... (insert sarcastic yay here). Now the question remains... will I use Zulily again? In short.. maybe.. I'll for sure do my research on the item's I'm interested in better to insure I'm really getting as good a deal as I think I am. AND, now knowing how LONG it takes for items to come in, I will only be ordering IF I don't need things quickly.
With all my purchases, my hubby got in the act too! We checked out a local second hand store called twice as nice. Its a step up from a goodwill because they actually work on trade. They will take your items you bing in and use it as a credit trade for items in the store or they will give you a cash value for the items! So this in mind the store actually doesn't take ALL that people bring in. They only keep items in REALLY good condition. We had gone there to see what they had in maternity clothing (bust for me... I was still pretty small and can't think to buy cloths that I may miscalculate fitting me in a few months) but they also have a good selection of baby and kids clothing. And that is where this little number got purchased:
It was only $3 and its a newborn sized hoody! My hubby insisted on getting it because it is a gender neutral color and it will be "cold" when I have the baby... Keep in mind I live in Arizona and the majority of my Thanksgivings are spent in shorts and a t-shirt... but ok $3 is fine lol Plus lets add an AAAWWWWW for the cuteness of the hubby wanting to buy baby cloths!
And FINALLY ... I didn't purchase this one.. I made it... (hehe) Some of you know I knit and crochet. Well one day while looking on Pinterest (I'm addicted to finding free patterns) I came across the "boobie hat" for infants... After a giggle I showed my husband and he insisted I make one! There is actually meaning behind these hats BTW... For too long women have been shammed into corners or bathrooms when it comes time to having to breastfeed their babies. In recent years there has been movement where women are feeding "uncovered" in public places and it's even made the news in some states where some people are "wow good for you brave mommy" and some are "that's disgusting! Cover up, you are making everyone uncomfortable!" So obviously I'm on the good for you mommy side and even though I'll probably get a "hooter hider" because I believe in modesty, I know as baby's get older and their dexterity improves they often times remove the "hider" while they nurse and I think its funny if the baby wore this hat while nursing!
I've also seen bigger ones made for adults and worn in the breast cancer walks by survivors and supporters. So these hats are not just for babies!
Your comments and opinions are welcome! Just keep it nice and understand that everyone has a stance and right to parent their child the way they choose fit, weather it be covered or uncovered (hehe this hat though!)
Until next time!
Bre and the Bump!
Lots of goodies! My sister went with the cloth diapers, as well, with both of her boys. She said the cleanup was well worth the savings. And yay for the hubby pick! As for breastfeeding in public, I, too, advocate that. You should check out the Australian cover of Elle; they stand up for it, as well!