Hey Friends and Family!
This week was a super exciting week for me and the hubby! We had our anatomy scan and you know what that means!?!?! I know what baby McCabe is!!! hehe I know something ya'll don't know!! Next week is the gender reveal party so I will post on week 21's mid week post what baby McCabe is :) I'll do a post on the party and the big announcement then :) Until then I'm open to guesses!!
Hey Friends and Family!
This week was a super exciting week for me and the hubby! We had our anatomy scan and you know what that means!?!?! I know what baby McCabe is!!! hehe I know something ya'll don't know!! Next week is the gender reveal party so I will post on week 21's mid week post what baby McCabe is :) I'll do a post on the party and the big announcement then :) Until then I'm open to guesses!!
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Baby McCabe's profile and a little fist at the top |
Life update:
This week has been pretty uneventful (besides the Dr's appointment) at our home. We said goodbye to a great set of friends as they packed up their moving truck and headed east :( but thank God for modern technology so we can keep in touch!!
This week was the first week I had people touch my belly! One was someone I didn't know.. it was weird, I was with a friend and she was getting a hair cut and the hair cutting lady didn't believe my friend that I was pregnant and touched my belly and then said she believed me, though I'm not showing much. Still weird.. I get it if people I know touch my belly but people I don't know??? At least buy me a snack first!
Also now that we know the gender I've made a couple purchases (I'll do a haul in a few weeks) I ordered a really cool diaper bag, storage tote for the cloth diapers, and bought some baby cloths that were just so cute I couldn't wait in hopes of getting them at a shower :)
The hubby has had a pretty uneventful week as well. Basically just trying to survive this crazy heat! It's been in between 110 and 112 all week! And the poor hubby is super white... and works outside most days... lets just say he thinks about the sun and gets burnt lol
Book and my app says the baby is around 8 1/2 ounces and 6 inches from head to bum ( I don't know why they don't measure the whole length at this time?). But the sonogram showed the baby is around 10 ounces, but was not cooperating enough to get a length measurement. (takes after it's dad) The heartbeat was 146 bpm this time :) I can now confirm Baby McCabe has 10 fingers and 10 toes, 4 developed chambers for the heart (super cool to watch on the sonogram) and loves to do the exact opposite of that the sonogram person needs. I have to go back in two weeks for another scan to get the scans this little stinker would't cooperate.
Symptom Check:
Heartburn: yep, my constant companion, I don't think I'll ever get rid of it at this point.. but if this baby comes out bald I'm sending it back for a refund on the heartburn!!
Nausea: I really haven't had anything this week. I do get a little wonky when I haven't eaten anything for a little bit but I've gotten back into a routine of making sure I eat enough and drink enough water (very important in this heat!)
Growth: I don'f feel like I've gotten any bigger but then again I haven't weighed myself since last week. My cloths seem to be fitting the same too.
Migraines: Yep, I keep getting these too, but as I've mentioned before I'm not sure if it's pregnancy induced or allergy induced. But still... no fun
Cravings: I still don't have specific cravings, but I do enjoy a good turkey sandwich!
So this week I will preparing for my gender reveal party! I will also be half way through the pregnancy!! 20 weeks down 20 to go! It's amazing how quickly these weeks have gone by! I'm excited for this coming weekend not only to tell my family and closest friends the gender of our baby, but to catch up with them to! Its been a while since I've seen some of these people!
Boy or Girl?
So now that it is getting close to finding out if baby McCabe is a boy or girl I thought it would be fun to try out some of the old wives tales and see what they suggest!
High or low? - it is said that if the baby is sitting high its a girl, and if low its a boy: BOY
Heart rate: above 140 bpm girl, below 140 bpm boy: GIRL
Cravings: Sweets: girl, Salty and sour: boy: BABY (I like food)
Chineese birth chart: BOY
Brakeouts? yes = girl, No= boy: GIRL
Morning sickness: lots during 1st trimester = girl, not a lot = boy: Boy
Cabbage test: boil red cabage, mix the saved water with your pee (eww): red or pink = girl, purple= boy:
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Even or odd: The mayans add the mothers age at conception to the year of conception; even= girl, Odd= boy: GIRL
Names: It's said when you think of names, the gendered names that come easier to you is what you are having: Boy
Parents.com has gender prediction quiz and according to it, after answering 10 yes or no questions: GIRL
And just for fun I had my dogs give their predictions too! I saw the puppy prediction test for the Super Bowl and elections done by late night show hosts and figured, if those puppies can make blind predictions then my pups who have been with me the whole time can make predictions too! I gave them each their own set of gender bowls with the same amount and type of food and photographed their picks!
Mitzi's prediction:

Bruno's prediction:
Question time:
This week it's simple! When did you discover the gender (if you didn't until the birth, what was your motivation behind it?) And how did you tell everyone??
Go back to all my other weekly update posts and read the symptoms, what do you think?!?!?
Question time:
This week it's simple! When did you discover the gender (if you didn't until the birth, what was your motivation behind it?) And how did you tell everyone??
Thats all for this week!
Until next time,
Bre and the Bump!
Thats all for this week!
Until next time,
Bre and the Bump!
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