Sometimes I feel like I just told you guys we were expecting and then BAM my baby is 3 months old!! They weren't kidding when they said time flies!
Mommy update:
I've still hold steady at my pre-pregnancy weight (even though I could benefit from losing a couple more pounds) and am starting to fit back into most of my pre-pregnancy clothes.... although I do have to squeeze in to pants still... my hips.. yeah they don't lie haha I also had an IUD put in (no Irish twins for us!!!) a few weeks ago. The big issue I have been having is my left knee. It's been pretty achey since I was pregnant. I originally thought it was connected to the weight gain, but its just gotten worse over the past few months. So I'm going to have to make a doctors appointment to get x-rays or something to figure out what's making it so painful to get up and down. (wow I sound old!)
Now what you all really care about.. Teagan update!
Teagan is now 3 months old! (and a couple weeks weeks)
I don't have growth information other then she's grown out of her 0-3 month clothes and is probably going to be done with her 3 month clothes pretty soon at the rate she grows!! We don't have another pediatrician appointment until next month so we just get to enjoy her company and watch her grow for now. She is such a GOOD baby! (don't get me wrong she cries like any other baby and has her moments) She still sleeps through the night- between 7-8 1/2 hours (knock on wood). She LOVES bath time - I'm pretty sure she's going to be a swimmer. She's a little chatter box (just like her mommy) and loves to coo and goo and make this funny little gargling noise when we play with her. Her hand eye coordination is developing and its so fun to watch her interact with her little toys. She's also a little flirt: happy to share a smile with anyone who is willing to look at her. Teagan also has been bound and determined these last two weeks to... well SHE thinks she is going places haha she wiggles like crazy during tummy time and tries so hard to roll over. I'm pretty sure she will within the next week or so! She also likes to "stand." I hold onto her little hands and she bops up and down on her feet happy as a clam. And finally; she's doing great with her cloth diapers. She's quick to let me know she's wet.. not so much at letting me know she went #2... (is that normal? haha) We've started elimination communication but aren't forcing it to hard because I'm not good at catching her in the act haha
Well that's it for now.. I think I'll let you all off with some pics of my beautiful little one:
These next few are from yesterday. We got a new carpet/rug for our living room and before the four legged babies covered it in their fur we did a little photo shoot.
Until next time!!
Bre and Teagan
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