Hey Friends and Family!
It is getting so hard to find time to sit and type! Teagan is now mobile and I can't just sit her down with the play gym and watch from the chair. Now I have to make sure she's not terrorizing the cats or chasing down the dogs, or chewing on chairs (that's normal right?).
So quick update: over mother's day weekend Teagan got her first two teeth! She was also dedicated at our church that weekend.
Pastor John, Papa, Teagan, and me at her dedication at our church |
Mine and the hubby's families came for Teagan's dedication/ |
During month 6 she also said mama and papa, and mastered the army crawl. She can also sit with some assistance (she hasn't brought herself to a sitting position yet on her own but she is working on it! She now wears nine month sized clothing and is 14 lbs and 10 oz. and 26.5 inches long (tall and skinny baby!) Teagan also had her first REAL people food at six months and is enjoying trying new types of food each week. Some of her favorites are avocado, sweet potato, banana, baby pancakes, and broccoli.
Teagan Rae 6 months old |
She still sleeps through the night, although there was a week there that she kept waking up ever 3 hours demanding food (growth spurt). She is also starting to take longer naps. Usually now I can get about an hour and just yesterday she took a three hour one that I woke her up from because it was starting to get late and I didn't want her to not sleep at night.
Teagan and her woof Mitzi |
A couple weeks ago, Teagan, my mom and I went to California to see my sister and nephew and Teagan took her first plane ride! She did.. ok, on the ride there she did really well, and on the way back our plane was delayed 3 hours so I don't blame her one bit, I wanted to scream too!
Teagan 7 months old
So upcoming things for us: We have been talking about going on a family vacation, just haven't decided where yet. The debate is drive somewhere closer and stay longer or fly somewhere to see family and stay a shorter time. Right now with the heat AZ is giving us, ANYWHERE sounds good haha. Father's day is coming up this weekend so that will be exciting! (PS, Teagan just started cutting some more teeth! she cut two on mothers day and now she's cutting some more just in time for fathers day!)
Until next time (if naps allow!)
Bre and Teagan
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