Sorry this one is a little late! Our house has become a cesspool of germs. Just as I started dropping the cold, monsoon allergies (for those not from Arizona, we have five seasons here... winter, spring, summer, monsoons, and fall... and monsoons are humidity with wind and sometimes rain... its the wind..) kicked in and in came the phlegm. And we all know by now my gag reflux, especially when it comes to phlegm. So I've been super gaggy this past week. And when I finally started feeling better... the hubby starts getting sick.. Oh joy.. so yeah.. we are a house of germs right now... stay far away from us!
Life Update:
But on an update note, my parents came over the 4th of July weekend and helped (ok they did all the work) out with A BUNCH of projects: Dad hung up curtains in the baby room, finished painting the baby's room, installed these tabby things on my old crib so the side can't go up and down anymore, painted the ceiling of our back porch from when we installed lights last year and had to go through the ceiling to get to the electrical, (that's right.. he literally painted it after an EXACT year of telling me to hehe) replaced some lights that had gone out in my kitchen (we figured they were just mood lighting haha), patched some holes from mine and the hubby's failed attempts at hanging things around the house (see we try to do things ourselves, but that ends up just adding to dads fix list when he comes to visit), hung up my diplomas in the office room, hung up some other things in the guest room, created and installed a special bookshelf system in the baby room, and cleaned out the trap thingy in my bathroom sink. And my mom helped me clean out the guest room closet (I had moved all the stuff from the baby room closet and combined it with the guest room closet so it really needed organizing and throwing away of junk), helped me hem the curtains in the guest room, (I actually sewed these ones under her tutelage) and clean and organize the office/craft room. My mom and dad also brought this sorty thing to put in our under the stairs closet (Harry Potter closet) and we organized and cleaned it out too. So basically my dad fixed all the stuff I had previously broke and my mom helped me finish unpacking from when we moved in almost 3 years ago. So YAY to finally unpacking the last box!!
We also went to the fireworks with the pups for the second year in a row, they were unimpressed and thanks to Teagan's control of my bladder we had to leave a little early. BUT! on a plus note, this is the first year it didn't take an hour or more to get home through traffic! So WIN! Another plus to my parent's coming down to visit is my dad always makes breakfast :) so we enjoyed waffles, pancakes, biscuits, homemade gravy, breakfast sausage, and eggs. Big step up from our regular bowl of cereal!
But other then the germ cesspool of our house this last week I haven't done much outside the house. We had some friends over for dinner and I have been working on the sewing projects for the baby room. (these I won't reveal until the room reveal) Another one of my really good friends moved away and gifted me with a rocking chair for the baby room, which is perfect timing because I had been looking for one! And the hubby and I have been in talks about a possible baby moon in the next month or so. As of now we are thinking of someplace in state but maybe a little more north because it's Arizona and it's hot here.
Since the last post we had our followup sonogram and got a couple more pictures of little Teagan. They reconfirmed she's definitely still a girl, (for all those joking "it" could have been tucked) we even got a little anatomy lesson when they zoomed in on her parts. haha This appointment was pretty boring as the lady was mainly trying to get a good picture of the heart and placenta because the last sonogram Teagan wasn't cooperating... well she was being a booger this time too and it took a while to get the pics the lady needed. But we didn't get called back for a third scan so it seems they got what they needed.
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The hubby liked this pic because she's folded in half haha |
I also had another regular doctors appointment this week too. She said the results of the scans support a normal pregnancy and has no concerns from the scans. I have gained another 4 pounds since my last appointment for a total weight gain of 10 pounds in 22 weeks. My doctor said I'm on a good track and if I continue to gain an average of a pound a week for the next 18 weeks I'll be good! So this shall be my goal! She said my target weight gain is between 25 and 35 pounds for a healthy pregnancy and luckily I have two dogs that demand walks to keep me in somewhat of shape.
I've noticed my feet start to swell now when I've been on my feet for a while but not enough to where I loose my ankles! (#kanklewatch2015) I've also noticed to my dismay that my bellybutton is continuing to rise! I'm pretty sure in the next couple weeks I'm going to have an outie (insert crying imogicon here) I also have more stretch marks on my chest and left hip (just the left... weird), they are purple and angry no matter the amount or kinds of stretch mark cream I put on them! I've also gotten a lot more breakouts... now this could still be hormonal breakouts or the fact that it's over 100 degrees and all you have to do is walk up the stairs to break a sweat (especially when I'm a walking oven these days!).
Her heart rate this time was 142 bpm and she was kicking the doppler which was pretty fun to hear. We pointed it out to the hubby and he giggled a little. :) But since then Teagan's been kicking like crazy and it's been my goal for the hubby to feel her. So far a no go... we put his hand on my belly and I'll feel a kick and ask him if he felt it and he'll say no, then he'll ask "was that one?" to a non existent kick. We'll get there! She's getting bigger and stronger each day! She's about a pound now and each day her little parts grow and develop more!
Question time!
So I've been trying to compile a list for gift registries and have been struggling with whats REALLY needed. All the places have their lists of what they recommend (one has a 3 page list.. of pretty much every item in their store) but as the hubby and I are trying to raise Teagan without unnecessary excess I'm stumped as to what the bare minimum needed really is? I know the basics, diapers, bottles, some clothes, the baby furniture, stroller, but what am I forgetting? what are the things I'm gonna need but cant think of? anyone?
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Until next time!
Bre and Teagan (aka the bump)
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