Life Update:
Wow these past two weeks have been crazy busy for us! After my last post, I started working on trying to get on paper our plan for cloth diapering. I have my general idea, but finding specific brands and lining them up with a realistic registry for my future showers proved more time consuming then I thought! I'm leaning more and more towards an Amazon registry but was struggling with making sure I was getting everything I needed. I got the thought that I just needed to get to a store and tangibly see and feel things to get an overall list going. The hubby and I went to Buybuybaby and "registered" (they give you a bunch of free stuff when you make registries!) for a bunch of stuff so we could get the list of registered for items to copy to the amazon registry. It was however helpful because I got some sheets for my portable crib and got to ask the "experts" in the store questions I had about strollers and monitors. So we got a nice little list of things "registered" for... However when we went to turn the scanner in, the lady got after me for not registering for clothing or toys... is it just me or are these the items you're NOT supposed to register for because no matter what people are going to get you clothes and toys? I told her this and she looked all shocked and tried to assure me that people ONLY get things from registries... well apparently I'm the only person EVER who's not followed exactly what was on a registry lol But yeah I've got a pretty good grasp on the diapers we are going to register for now so check out the registry link (for now I'll put all the registries I'm messing with so ya'll can check them out and give me feedback!) to see what I've got and let me know what else to add!
The hubby has still been working off what we now like to call the "crud." He's defiantly better but still has a lot of phlegm and so I've definitely upchucked a couple times this last week! Smells STILL get to me too. I tried taking out the trash the other day and was gagging the whole way to the garbage can and then when I got back into the house I could swear I still smelt the garbage and had to run to the bathroom... I'm pathetic... I just hope that I won't have this same reaction to dirty diapers! But as my dad says "that's what the straps on the changing table is for, not for baby safety, it's so you can run, throw up and come back and finish changing your kid." hehe my dad is a wise man.
Speaking of parents, they came over last weekend and brought a bunch of cabinets to install in our garage! The hubby's current organizational system of his tools was anywhere he could find space on the floor, or getting the extra strength storage totes and shoving a bunch of stuff in them and stacking them everywhere. The crazy thing is we have a four car garage (yes 4) and only one car has been able to fit FOREVER. But all the cabinets are in (THANKS DAD!) and now we can fit TWO cars in! So I guess I'll include a pic of the garage in this post. As you can kinda see (its really hard to take a pic with the cars in and when its dark outside, I'll have to post another pic with the cars out during the day) we have a 3 car tandem. The tandem part is the hubby's workshop area where all his tools are housed, the far left is his little workout area with a few yard tools (we're working on getting some hooks to organize those or debating on getting a shed for behind the house). Then we have space for our two cars in the remaining areas.. except when the hubby is doing a woodworking area, then the SUV spot becomes his work space and the SUV gets kicked out until his project is over and he puts all the tools away.
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This is me standing in the single car part of the garage, you can see a tiny bit of the hubby's workout area next to my vehicle |
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Hubby's new play area |
Then came this week. It wasn't too eventful, but we were pretty busy this week which is why I decided to just do a two week combo post. (and because developmentally besides getting bigger, not much is happening with Teagan) The beginning of the week consisted of me balancing our budget.. I know, riveting stuff right? The balancing part doesn't take too long, its logging and checking all the tax write offs in my excel spread sheets that do! ie. work write offs, medical miles and expense write offs, making sure they are all in the right categories and have matching receipts etc... so yeah that took a day, because my back has been getting really stiff if I sit for long periods of time at a table now, so I'd work for an hour then have to go rest. Then I went to the store to try buy some more maternity cloths. I've given up on regular cloths at this time, my shirts from the flat stomach days officially barely fit over Teagan and the breasticals (that's what I call them now) So I need more shirts and the few maternity shorts I have are not enough to get me though the week... Sadly the target (only department store besides stores in the mall that actually still sell maternity cloths where I live) I go to was out of my size and so I just bout more baby cloths (see buybuybaby lady! at this rate I won't need to register for baby cloths because I'll have bout the lifetime supply already!)
Then we headed up to mesa at the end of the week to go to the hubby's parent's house to see them before they get ready to go on a trip next month. We went up to get cat food, yes cat food, my pets all enjoy Natures Domaine (Kirkland's version of blue buffalo) pet food and my stupid Costco (and all the other ones in Tucson) refuses to carry the cat version of the pet food! So, every so often I have to go up to mesa to stock up on cat food. But at least we get to spend some time with the hubby's family while we are there. (Especially since I seem to start become a baby whale and probably won't be traveling as much the bigger I get)
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Mitiz is always present during picture time :) |
These last two weeks Teagan has continued to grow and put on weight, she should be a little over a pound now and about a foot long. This week (week 24) she is considered viable.. meaning if I were to go into preterm labor at this point, she could more then likely survive outside the womb with extraordinary measures and help from doctors. But as I've told her, she can stay in as long as she wants. She kicks and moves around like CRAZY now. And I'm happy to report that her kicks are strong enough for her papa to feel! Along with him, my parents and some of my friends have been able to feel her kick too :) There have been a couple days where I'm pretty sure her goal is to come out through my ribs because she's lodged herself up in there and it HURTS SO BAD, then she'll dive back down (yes dive.. or more like cannon ball) to my bladder and I'll have to run to the restroom before I wet myself lol (more on that later)
Symptom Check:
Nausea: I continue to be pathetic! Smells still get to me and I STILL have a horrible gag reflux. Mix that with my horrible allergies and the gross phlegmy nasal drainage and well yeah, I've puked or gagged/ dry heaved quite a few times these last two weeks.
Back Pain: Since I've gained the extra baby weight my body is fighting back! I have back spasms daily and my wonderful hubby has been rubbing icy hot (GODSEND) on my back each night in hopes that it will help.
Sleep: I'm really struggling with sleep now, I have a hard time getting comfortable because I used to be a stomach sleeper and I'm at the point that I definitely cannot sleep on my stomach without squishing Teagan or her beating the crap out of my stomach. AND when I sleep on my side my side goes numb and my back is hard because of my heartburn. So I've kind of gotten to a point of propping up a bunch of pillows and semi sleeping on my side back in a slightly inclined position.. I last for a few hours then wake up (have to pee)... I'm just hoping that once my stomach gets big enough it will be more like a prop to not constantly try rolling on my stomach in my sleep.
Heartburn: Speaking of Heartburn, this last week has been brutal, my trusty Zantac has helped, but not to make it all go away. I've still been suffering and I keep telling Teagan that if she doesn't come out with hair I'm sending her back!
Bellybutton pop: Hasn't popped yet, but I swear it will in a couple weeks at the rate I'm loosing depth!
#Kanklewatch2015: I haven't completely gotten kankles yet, but I've gotten close! When I'm on my feet for a long time my feet and ankles definitely swell! Also my heals go numb and tingly.. is that normal?
Question time!
Ok I know I've asked registry questions a lot, but now that I've started some, Could a few of you mommies out there look through mine and tell me what I can take off or what I need to add, or if something I put on there is the WRONG brand. I'll post both the amazon and the buybuybaby links, but keep in mind I'm going to be consolidating to probably just the amazon registry and maybe a target registry or something that's more easily accessible. Thanks in advance ladies and the couple dad's that read this too! thank you guys too!!
If either of these links don't work, they can be searched with my name: Breanna McCabe
Thanks again!!
Until Next time
Bre and Teagan (the bump)
PS: I WILL post a cloth diaper post this week! I will! now that I've figured out what diaper we will most likely post I'm more ready for this post!
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