So I came back south this week with four dogs. That's right the puppies I puppy sat came home with me. And let me tell you... I'm glad I had the SUV because if I had had the car... well some dogs would be strapped to the top (hehe) They stayed through the week until their owners came back from vacation.. I learned a couple things this last week with them here: 1: I will never again have 4 dogs at one time its just too much to be looking after. Noah only had two of each animal... I see why now haha 2 dogs and two cats are fine by me! 2: I've forgotten what its like to have a puppy in the house... let alone TWO puppies! AND two puppies the size of full sized dogs! 3: I think that will be the last dog sitting job I'll be doing for a long while. Not because I don't love it, but because I'm getting to the point of pregnancy that I'm getting too big, and any other time after that I'll have a newborn so I guess that chapter of my life may be closing... at least for a while. But my dogs had a BLAST with the two great danes and love any time they get to play!
Other then that, not much else has happened on the home front. I've been slowly chipping away at the long list of projects for Teagan's room and compiling lists of things that need to get done in the next two months... lets just pause and think about that for a second... just a little over TWO more months!! AAHH!! I don't have the nesting thing going for me yet... just the "hey I need to make a bunch of lists of all the things I've had planned to do and get them down on paper to see if I can actually get all it done in the time left over!"
I also had another doctors appointment Wednesday. My new doctor is SHORT... and when I mean short I mean I doubt she's even five foot. I'm used to short people (shout out to my sister and mom!) but my new doctor is a very petite person for sure! Besides that, she seems like a really nice lady and is actually pretty young (just got out of doctor school and got all her board certifications) so she's more versed on all the new procedures and the latest exciting things in OB. She measured my growth and says Teagan is right on track, has a good heart beat and looks like she gonna be active (she was rolling all over the place again). She also said I passed my glucose test so YAY that I don't have to take that nasty thing again!. I've gained another 2 pounds since my last appointment for a total of 16 pounds in 28 weeks. She like my other doctor says I'm on a good track for weight gain but continue to eat plenty of protein and less carbs (..... that night I'm pretty sure cake was involved....) I go back in another 2 weeks and by then there will only be 10 weeks left! (If she's not late or early)
At this point, Teagan is starting to put on some of the "baby fat" and no longer looking like a skinny stick baby. She just over 2 pounds and about 15 inches long. (So says the book and app) She is SUPER active in my belly now. I see my stomach move and jump and roll all the time and its pretty fun! The hubby still likes to listen to her heartbeat through my stomach and she still kicks him every time he does. I've been playing some music next to my stomach a little each day and I think she likes it because she gets really squirmy when I do. The book also says besides being able to hear, she can now at this point process light and dark. So if I were to shine a flashlight on my stomach (I totally did this by the way) she reacts to the light with a swift kick "TOO BRIGHT! I'm trying to sleep!" (Just like her daddy lol)
Symptom Check:
Belly button: I had a scare this week! I thought it was going to pop! It was so close to the surface I thought for sure it would, but thankfully it was just Teagan pushing on my belly and when she moved it went down some... But I know its going to happen any week now! At this point its almost even with my belly!
Cankels: Still don't have them! Thank goodness, but I do notice my feet and ankles swell when I've been on my feet for a while.
Back pain: I still get muscle aches and middle back pain from either standing too long or sitting too long... My mom loaned me her heating pad and it has really helped a lot! Down side though is we live in Arizona and it makes me sweat haha
Naps: Don't know if this is a symptom but I pretty much take a nap every day now (even when I don't mean too, I conk out on the couch)
Question time:
Fun one this week! With my showers getting closer I'm curious what your favorite shower game you've played was? Mine still to this day was being blindfolded and having to pick out safety pins from a bowl of uncooked rice (its harder then it sounds!)
Until next time!
Bre and Teagan (the bump)
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And Mitzi Until next time from her too |
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