Holy COW! Goodbye month six HELLO month 7!! We have been SOOOOO busy this last month! I wouldn't say that nesting kicked in, but it's definitely hit that I only have a few months to finish all my half started projects!
Quick overview of the last three weeks (in no particular order because I can barely remember yesterday):
So project wise I have been working on the items for Teagan's mobile. For those of you who follow my Instagram you've seen the crochet pieces I've made. They include a sun, rainbow, clouds, raindrops, and snowflakes. Soooo... I can tell all of you now part of the theme of her room is weather. (It will all make sense when it all comes together I promise! I've also made a bunch of mini cloth diaper key chains to be included in my shower invites as a reminder to guests to not purchase disposables (no diaper raffles at my showers!) As you'll see in my pics below I've had a change of scenery. Last week I came to my moms for the week to spend some time with her and also to dog sit for some of my old (not in age!) neighbors. They have two great dane pups:
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Haley |
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Stelle |
Before I headed to Phoenix I did have another doctors appointment and I've gained another 4 pounds for a total weight gain so far of 14 pounds in 26 weeks. My doctor says the weight gain is going well but she would prefer I leave my Italian roots of carbs and increase my protein intake.... we had pasta that night lol. She checked Teagan's heartbeat BUT... they surprised me with a glucose test (so gross... all you mommies out there know what I'm talking about!) and poor Teagan was on such a sugar high she was bouncing around my tummy and kicking like crazy that I didn't get a chance to catch the BPM. (but we know she's alive because of all the movement!) After all this my doctor informs me she is retiring from OB at the end of the month and she's handing me off to one of her partners and that I'm also going to have to start coming every 2 weeks instead of every 4 weeks. She also measured my belly and said Teagan is measuring a couple days ahead of her gestation date but that's normal so no worries. :) I'm still on track for a healthy pregnancy as long as I don't suddenly start gaining more then pound a week! So here are some growth pics and its crazy how my baby bump has grown in three weeks! :

On a plus side, my bellybutton still has not popped (any bets for when this is going to happen?) and I still don't have cankles! But other then that, these past three weeks have been rough on me. I've had the worst heartburn of my entire pregnancy accompanied with acid reflux so Zantac and antacids have been close at all times. My body is also starting to react to the extra 14 pounds in my back. I have had really bad middle back pain and neck pain from trucking around my bigger belly and chest. It has really made me commit more to really trying to strive to gain only the recommended amount for pregnancy so I'll have an easier time getting back to my pre pregnancy weight. Oh! and I officially can't see my feet just by looking down, but barely.
On a cool note the hubby can hear Teagan's heartbeat just by putting his ear to my tummy! When he told me 2 weeks ago he could, I told him he was hearing mine but he insisted it was faster and was hers, I did some research and sure enough, if positioned correctly after 25 weeks the baby's heartbeat can be heard by ear through the tummy. But it is funny because since that day, every time he ttys to listen to her heart, she immediately starts kicking his head like crazy... it's like a game to her hehe
I am officially in my third trimester! Month 6 flew by and we (me and Teagan) are now in the 7th month of pregnancy! It's amazing to know I have roughly 13 weeks left! That's less then a semester of school!
Teagan has gained about a pound in the last 3 weeks and weighs just over two pounds now and is about 15 and a half inches long! It's still crazy to know that if she does decide to come early, from this point, she can survive outside the womb with some help from medical professionals (but I tell her every day to stay in till the end of the recommended time).
On a side note, being at my parents came with some cool presents for Teagan. One of my dad's co workers (who I've never met) found out our plans for cloth diapering and bought Teagan some along with a bag full of other goodies for breastfeeding! It's amazing to get gifts in general but I was floored when I got one from someone I had never (and still haven't) met before! So shout out to you dad's friend!! One of my life time friends and neighbors (basically another sister) that I grew up with since I think 1990 is visiting from out of state and got Teagan a bunch of cute outfits and swaddle blankets. They are so cute and I'll have to do a baby haul to show off all the goodies!
I've got a few more days here in Phoenix and love the time I've had to catch up with all my old (not by age!) neighbors! But the heat has been affecting me (as you can tell from week 27's pic) and being this pregnant in the heat has made me contemplate climbing in the freezer. haha but no seriously, for those who don't live in Arizona we've broke records this week! yesterday it was 117 and today 115 and tomorrow it's supposed to be at least 114! SO HOT!! It's been tough on the dogs too because they can't get exercised because its too hot to walk them! Even at 6:30 AM its already in the mid 90's! I've had to get creative with laser pointers but really the heat is just draining them of energy anyway :)
Question time!
Did your bellybutton pop? Did you get cankles?
So I know this post has not been the weeks worth of posts in length but my brain is melted from the heat haha so it's all you all get for this week!
Until next time!
Bre and Teagan (the bump)
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