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Teagan hanging out on the couch with her rattle |
Wednesday Teagan had her two month doctors appointment. And she got shots. She hated them. The poor thing SCREAMED.. not cried, screamed.. It was so sad; and then my usually very happy baby was super grumpy the rest of the day. We gave her baby Tylenol (the dr's recommended dosage) and that seemed to help a bit. But I guess I can't really blame her, she got 3 shots in her legs and the needles were LONG.
So... my baby is apparently a giant. She is now 24 inches long that's the 98%! Meaning only 2% of other babies her age are taller then her! No wonder she's been in 3 month clothes since 4 weeks!
She weighs 10 lbs 14 oz which is average for her age (50%). And her head is in the 78%.. So basically my baby has a big head too.
Generally she's a really happy baby. She still enjoys playing with the little gym her papa made her and is doing really well on tummy time. Her pediatrician is happy with her growth and development and we are too. She is still sleeping through the night (lucky us!) and is taking shorter naps now. She's also staying awake longer now. When she plays with her gym she is starting to grasp the toys and bat at them. She's also focusing on other people she meets. It was super cute to see her flirt with the doctor and smile at him (before she got the shots.. we'll see if she feels the same way when we go back in two months). She is also starting to coo alot more and make some pretty fun facial expressions when she "talks."
Another quick diaper update!
So two posts ago I said what else we needed to get to finish up Teagan's diaper stash you can read that HERE or click the link on the right side of this page under the "check out this post next!" part.. Any who, basically I estimated that I would need to spend another $244 and some change (shipping and taxes) to finish the stash for the rest of Teagan's cloth diapering life. BUT the company bumGenius changed their diapers to a new brand! SOOOO all the 4.0 pocket diapers I had put on my wish list at the end of THIS post (if you have questions about what a pocket diaper is check out my "Why" tab above and read my cloth diaper posts!) got replaced by 5.0 diapers! Which means all the 4.0s are on CLEARANCE!!! And after doing some math, I got the rest of my stash of diapers at a cheaper price then what it would cost me to get the prefolds!
Heres how it went down:
I hoard bedbathandbeyond and buybuybaby coupons (they NEVER expire even though they have expiration dates) so that when I do go there I can use a coupon for every item I buy. All the diapers were marked down to $12.98 from $20 (already a savings there!) and used 4-20% off coupons making them $10.38 each ($41.50 for the 4) and 4 $5 off coupons in another purchase making the next set $8.97 each ($35.88 for the 4) which totals $77.88 for my fist day of shopping.
When I got home I saw that with those 8 diapers I now had 14 pocket diapers...easily enough for a day of diapers when Teagan is 6 months. Now the dilemma was do I supplement the other day's worth of diapers (so I don't have to do diaper laundry everyday) with pre folds like I originally planned or get another 10 pocket diapers... well they both came to right around $100 but I would defiantly get a better deal by getting the pocket diapers (and the hubby will probably be more willing to change these ones since they are so similar to disposables) so that's what I did. I got 9 diapers using my $5 off coupons (now its weird how the money was taken off but basically I got 2 @ $8.81, 6@ $8.77, and 1@ $8.83= ) and then I ran out so I had to use my 20% off coupons so the remaining diapers came to 2 at $10.38 each. Thats 10 for $99.83 total for my second day of shopping
This gets me to a total of $177.71 spent which is less then the $244 I would have spent! Plus I have some larger prefolds that were given to me as a gift and 1 cover and 2 plastic pants (diaper cover that is just a pull on with no snaps) that can be used as fill ins when I'm doing diaper laundry). If I have to I can purchase more, I'd probably get a couple more covers and just tri-fold them as inserts (so maybe another $30 worth of covers and call it a day)
Below is a couple pictures of the diapers I bought and are getting ready to prep (wash) for wearing. I also included a shot of the diaper drawer of diapers I already have waiting.
All the bumgenius diapers (minus 4 coming in the mail) that I'm prepping (extra absorbency on left, pocket diapers on right) |
Diaper drawer with my previous stash of pocket diapers and prefolds and covers, and snapies. |
Well that's it for this week folks! I'm planning on doing a "must haves for the first month" pretty soon, so look forward to that!
Until next time!
Bre and Teagan
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