Friday, February 26, 2016

3 month update

Hey Friends and family!!

Sometimes I feel like I just told you guys we were expecting and then BAM my baby is 3 months old!! They weren't kidding when they said time flies!

Mommy update:
I've still hold steady at my pre-pregnancy weight (even though I could benefit from losing a couple more pounds) and am starting to fit back into most of my pre-pregnancy clothes.... although I do have to squeeze in to pants still... my hips.. yeah they don't lie haha I also had an IUD put in (no Irish twins for us!!!) a few weeks ago. The big issue I have been having is my left knee. It's been pretty achey since I was pregnant. I originally thought it was connected to the weight gain, but its just gotten worse over the past few months. So I'm going to have to make a doctors appointment to get x-rays or something to figure out what's making it so painful to get up and down. (wow I sound old!)

Now what you all really care about.. Teagan update!

Teagan is now 3 months old! (and a couple weeks weeks)
I don't have growth information other then she's grown out of her 0-3 month clothes and is probably going to be done with her 3 month clothes pretty soon at the rate she grows!! We don't have another pediatrician appointment until next month so we just get to enjoy her company and watch her grow for now. She is such a GOOD baby! (don't get me wrong she cries like any other baby and has her moments) She still sleeps through the night- between 7-8 1/2 hours (knock on wood). She LOVES bath time - I'm pretty sure she's going to be a swimmer. She's a little chatter box (just like her mommy) and loves to coo and goo and make this funny little gargling noise when we play with her. Her hand eye coordination is developing and its so fun to watch her interact with her little toys. She's also a little flirt: happy to share a smile with anyone who is willing to look at her. Teagan also has been bound and determined these last two weeks to... well SHE thinks she is going places haha she wiggles like crazy during tummy time and tries so hard to roll over. I'm pretty sure she will within the next week or so! She also likes to "stand." I hold onto her little hands and she bops up and down on her feet happy as a clam. And finally; she's doing great with her cloth diapers. She's quick to let me know she's wet.. not so much at letting me know she went #2... (is that normal? haha) We've started elimination communication but aren't forcing it to hard because I'm not good at catching her in the act haha

Well that's it for now.. I think I'll let you all off with some pics of my beautiful little one:

These next few are from yesterday. We got a new carpet/rug for our living room and before the four legged babies covered it in their fur we did a little photo shoot. 

Until next time!!
Bre and Teagan 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Here's what I packed for the Hospital!

Hey Friends and Family!
Wow! Its almost been three months since the hubby and I made our way to the hospital to welcome Teagan into the world! Since then I've found out a BUNCH of my friends and SISTER is due this year!! Since my sister is due in the next couple months I thought I'd make a list of what I ACTUALLY used while we were at the hospital. There are a BUNCH of lists out there and I went off them but didn't use everything... so here's what I like as a bear minimum.

We were only in the hospital for the minimum required 24 hours after a birth because I was SO TIRED of all the doctors and nurses coming in and doing all the checks and wanted some sleep! Also I have the philosophy of if it's not medically necessary for me to be there then I wont waste a bed! I did pack for another day's worth of clothing but didn't end up needing those clothes. Plus we were lucky enough to be only 25 minutes from the hospital so anything I needed I sent the hubby to bring back after checking in on the dogs.

Must have packing list for the hospital (this is in mind for a regular birth with a normal 48 hour stay after baby is born, if you have a planned C section or plan on staying longer, just pack more clothes!):

***All the paperwork you’ll need for the hospital***
·      IDs
·      Insurance info
·      Birth plan (I brought mine but never took it out, I just made sure my hubby was aware of my wishes)

Toiletries travel sized everything! No need to bring a whole bottle of shampoo unless you are sharing with all the other moms in the hospital!
·      Toothbrush
·      Toothpaste
·      Facewash (I bought a pack of the face wipes)
·      Makeup- if you feel like getting dolled up (I brought mine, but never wore it!)
·      Hairbrush and hair ties (feels so good to have your hair brushed, and no one wants hair in their face while they are pushing a baby out and when trying to learn to breast feed!)
·      CHAPSTICK! (all the huffing and puffing dries out the lips!)
·      Shampoo, conditioner, bodywash (whatever you need for a shower, I actually packed a couple sample packs that I got for free and it was the perfect amount!)
·      Big fluffy towel (hospital towels are better for a foot mat.. they are so thin!
·      Deodorant- you WILL sweat!
·       Glasses/ contacts & solution
·      nipple cream – they should give you some at the hospital (sample sized) but good to have on hand just in case!

Clothes (If you are planning for a C-Section double these items!)
·      Nursing bra – I wore this out of the hospital (a little more support, but no underwire until your doctor clears you and your milk comes in… underwire is the #1 cause of mastitis and you don’t need to deal with that when you are figuring out how to nurse!)
·      Nursing tank top – I wore this in the hospital, with all the doctors/nurses/lactation specialist looking at your chest this gives you a little more coverage, plus the tank top holds your belly in a little bit more!
·      Pajamas- I wore these after birth, in the hospital, comfort before fashion for me! (I didn’t allow any visitors in the hospital so I had no one to impress)
·      Fuzzy socks- just because who doesn’t love fuzzy socks!? Plus hospitals are cold!
·      Loose fitting sweater/robe- preferably a button down or zipper for easy access to nurse.
·      Outfit home- I did yoga pants and a loose fitting shirt- you don’t want anything too tight around your belly or your under parts (lady diapers give a little extra padding)
·      *optional- pack of cheap undies you don’t mind throwing out, don’t bing your nice undies in case you leak through!

Breast feeding pillow- You’ll thank me, it’s so helpful when you’re figuring out a latch you don’t have to worry about your arm falling off from being tired

·      a couple sets of comfy clothes, I’d recommend sweats and loose fitting shirt for the labor process (that way if he needs to climb into bed and support you during labor tight jeans wont get in the way) and more normal after – although a button down will be great to add so he can do the kangaroo hold with your newborn J
·      Extra blanket and PILLOW (hospitals seem to be REALLY low on these) for the very uncomfortable couch bed
·      Snacks and money for the vending machine – the more snacks you pack the less you’ll have to get from the vending machine!
·      Any toiletries you aren’t willing to share with him.

·      Laptop/tablet and charger – bring some dvds with you… after the baby is born or if labor is taking a while you’ll have some down time
·      Camera and charger
·      Cell phone and charger (your call list too for who to call after the baby arrives!)
·      Baby book (we brought our so they could do the footprints for us, just keep the page out and bookmarked!)
·      SNACKS!! Pack lots! Vending machine snacks suck… plus they are expensive, yes the hospital will give you three meals a day, but when you want a twix… yeah they wont bring you one!
·      Any other items you have for the birthing process (if you are going at it all natural: things like your heating pad, massage wand, essential oils etc.)
·      Car seat- they wont let you take your baby home without one!
·      Diaper bag- you really don’t need too much because they provide SO MUCH at the hospital… here’s what we actually used:
o   A couple gowns that open from the bottom
o   Going home outfit
o   Diapers and wipes
o   Muslin blanket
o   Hand sanitizer
o   Changing pad

Make sure you take home all the freebies they give you!!!

Some things to have AT HOME will be my next post!!

Until next time!
Bre and Teagan