Saturday, May 30, 2015

Week 16 | Pet questions!

Week 16

Hey Family and Friends!

This week was pretty uneventful as far as baby stuff goes. I did make a post on a mommy haul I did (My Zulily order FINALLY came in). I read in my book and my weekly app that as early as 16 weeks moms can start feeling "fluttering" from the baby. Well not me! At my last Dr's appointment she told me I probably won't feel any movement until as early as 18 weeks because this is my first. She even joked that I would probably "feel" it sooner but since this is my first I won't even realize what I'm feeling and chalk it up to gas (haha). 

We are almost done with one of the projects we've been working on the last couple weeks, and if I can get it done in time I'll have a post on it for my mid week post this week! (I'll attach a sneak peak at the end of this post)

The baby is about 4 1/2 inches in length and weighs roughly 2 3/4 ounces now :) The baby is still covered in the fine soft hair called lanugo (lets all cheer for heartburn!). The baby also can hear us from inside the womb! (although I haven't asked to confirm) The baby now has fingernails and the arms and legs have grown and are moving (though I still can't feel the movements). When I have my ultrasound in a couple weeks I should A: hopefully feel the baby by then but if not I'll B: be able to see the movement in the the scan. 

Fun fact at this point in the baby's development I am no longer aloud to sleep or lay on my back. Now I've never been much of a back sleeper... apparently until this week. My hubby has had to wake me up a couple time and roll me to my side. Yes I have the pregnancy pillow that is supposed to help with that but apparently I just sleep on top of it. (hehe) 

Symptom Check!
Heartburn: It's not as bad as last week, I've been able to go down in dosage for the medication, but its still there! 

Growth: I'm getting FAT!!! My weight really hasn't changed that much but none of my shorts (except the maternity ones I bought) fit me anymore! Even my stretchy workout pants are at the point of not wanting to stretch around my hips... I'm definitely going to need to get some new cloths ASAP!

Nausea: As throughout the whole pregnancy I haven't had morning sickness, more like heartburn so bad I puke. But this last week SMELLS are really getting to me: my husbands farts (I'm not kidding! He STINKS!), dishes in the sink overnight, leftovers... one sniff of something and BAM! nearest bathroom or trashcan! 

Nosebleeds: I didn't think this was a symptom of pregnancy actually. I used to get bad nosebleeds before I got my allergy shots years ago. So when I had to stop the shots I figured the nosebleeds I've been having were from the allergies coming back. But, apparently because of the large amount of blood flow it takes to grow a baby, nosebleeds are common. However I still wonder if it's partly my allergies because my nose has been stuffed ever since I stopped getting shots. 

Headaches: This is another one I thought had to do with allergies, but apparently these are common in pregnancy too.. huh 

Appetite: I've defiantly gotten it back, but this baby can't keep its mind up. I eat food then an hour later the baby is like HA just kidding! I didn't want that! and the heartburn flares up.  

Hiccups: I think I mentioned last time that I get the hiccups.. well I've still been getting them! It's really annoying, because as someone who rarely got them before... they hurt! I start to get chest pain! I'm not sure if this is a sign of indigestion or a side effect of heartburn, but I would LOVE to go back to normal!

Sleep: Well this one is tricky. I've been struggling since I haven't been able to sleep on my stomach... And now I can't sleep on my back! I am NOT a side sleeper! I keep waking myself up from trying to roll a certain way and haven't been sleeping very well.. and this leads to naps during the day... the dogs don't mind.. they encourage naps lol

Question Time!
For those of you who have pets or had pets when you were pregnant/had the baby: 
*How did you prep the pups/kitties for the baby? 
  *Did you have to rearrange items in the house, ban an area to the pets? 
*How did they do once the baby came (first few weeks)? 
*For those with cats, did you ever catch the kitties hanging out in the crib with the baby? (I have two empty cribs that I've had to fill with spare pillows so the cats won't hang out in them)

And NOOOOWWW a sneak peak into what me and the hubby have been working on the last couple weeks (I'm gonna try and get a post up next week if I can put the final touches on it in time!) Any guesses what it is!?!??! 

Taking off the old!

Until Next time!
Bre and the bump!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Mommy Haul (Second Trimester)

Mommy Haul #2!

Now that I've progressed from my last haul post, I've been thinking more toward our baby instead of me! Yes I've gotten bigger and YES my clothes don't fit as well but I can honestly say the belly bands from my first haul have helped extend my pants life so much! I only have one pair of pants that I can still button, but if I wear them like that, by the end of the day I'm hurting ALOT. So all my pants are pretty much worn now with the accessory of the belly band. And I can honestly say it was a GREAT investment!! 

That being said, I DO live in Arizona... and this week we are supposed to be reaching our first triple digit day! So one must have is a bathing suit. I honestly haven't tried on my suits I already have (I only have one piece suits), but I know my belly will just get bigger so I made the investment in a maternity suit from Target. It cost $35 but I had a percentage off and ended up costing about $30, and I have to say that's not a bad price! I mean regular suits can cost more then that (I own one suit that cost WAY more then that!) so I think I got a pretty good deal! Plus it's pretty cute! 

I also got a heads up from a really close friend on a great deal for cloth diapers! I know I've mentioned in many of my weekly update posts that we will be cloth diapering and it freaks some people out. BUT I've been pleasantly surprised to find out that at least 3 sets of my friends have cloth diapered successfully and are now onto their 2nd babies on the way, one of my friend's is currently cloth diapering her one year old and has been great help with tips, AND my informant on my great deal is about a month ahead of me in her pregnancy and will be cloth diapering for the first time too with her little one! So.. cloth is COMING BACK!! I'll be making a series of mid week posts on cloth diapering soon explaining the WHY of cloth: Why would we cloth (what's the benefit), What the different types of cloth diapers there are, and finally what our cloth diaper plans for our baby will be including what diapers we will chose and links to where we are getting them from. 

But any who, as I said, my really close friend gave me the heads up that Woot had a great diaper deal one day. Now for those of you not familiar with WOOT its a daily deals site. I've used it before for their daily graphic t-shirt deals (you should check it out and click on the shirt tab!) and have gotten some fun shirts for me and the hubby, and the best part is shipping is always included in the listed price! AND shipping is just a couple days! So that being said, when my friend told me woot had cloth diapers on sale I was excited! The ones I bought are called bumpkins and the all in twos pocket diapers with snaps (you'll to stay tuned for my cloth diaper posts to know what that means!) usually retail for around $20 a piece! That specific day Woot had them for only $10 a piece! 50% off?!??! Heck yeah!! The hubby let me get five for starters (no that's not enough for the amount I'll need... again gonna have to wait for my diaper posts!) and so I could have some as examples to show to people who have questions before they fill my registry requests. The 5 I got consisted of 3 adorable prints: turtle, crocodiles, and owls, and two red ones, one with a snap in insert and one with two loose inserts :)  OH! and fun fact! Bumkins is made and distributed in Phoenix Arizona! 

Cute right!?

Next came my Zulily stash... and those of you who have followed my last few weeks worth of posts know that I'm pretty upset with Zulily. For one the shipping took FOREVER! Let me first explain how Zulily works. Like woot, they have flash sales with only a certain amount of product available. Theirs are usually 3 day sales so you have a little while longer to make purchase decisions. However Zulily doesn't order your purchase until their flash sale is over. And it product doesn't get sent directly to you. They save money by making one mass order to their facility and once they get their order they sort through it then send it out to the buyer. This seems all fine and dandy but it took FOREVER. I ordered from Zulily 3 weeks before I ordered from woot and my woot order still came in before the Zulily order. AND the Zulily order came to me in two separate packages on two separate days!

Now I thought I got a good deal on this purchase, the site had the "original" price and the sale price on each item and in the end said for my total purchase I saved $32.14. Yay good deal right!? Well let me get into these purchases then:

I noticed that the sale one day was on saddling items. I know that my hubby doesn't have hardly any experience with babies and realistically won't be able to take parenting classes to learn how to change a baby or swaddle a baby (I'm still trying to find birthing classes that will work with his schedule!). So, teaching will be left to me and I figured these swaddling items would help him out the first couple months until he gets the hang of the swaddling blankets. So first up was the Swaddle me pod:

Pretty cute right!? Its in the giraffe print and its meant for newborns. This one you just stick the baby in and zip it up into its little pod, no wrapping needed. Plus it has two zippers so the baby can be swaddled up top and diapers can be changed at the same time. Now to the price. Zulily said it normally retails for $18 and it was priced at $10. Good deal right!? BUT on amazon there is a two pack that has this print AND a plane one for basically $22.00... so really, I could have gotten basically the same deal on amazon. :/

Next was a three pack of the swaddle me stage two. Basically you put the baby in the pouch and there is velcro sides to attach around the baby, its for 7-14lb babies (hopefully I don't have a huge baby!!). 

This three pack was said to cost $40 "Normally" and was on "sale" for $20. Me: Half off? great deal! BUT once again, while waiting FOREVER for the items to come in I checked Amazon... and the SAME EXACT three pack... $22.50.. Once again.. a pretty close price! 

Then lastly I saw this super cute Yellow Ark Sleeper Sac by SpaSilk. This one is for when the baby is able to move around in the crib while it sleeps and no longer needs to be swaddled but still too young to have a blanket in the crib. The "original" price $14 "sale" at $8. On amazon... one by the same company but different print is $12, so this one was a pretty good deal.

All in all I DO like the products I got, but hated the wait time. AND even though I DID save money.. its not as much as I had really thought, Instead of saving $32 I really only saved $7.. and that was basically shipping costs so I saved shipping costs ... (insert sarcastic yay here). Now the question remains... will I use Zulily again? In short.. maybe.. I'll for sure do my research on the item's I'm interested in better to insure I'm really getting as good a deal as I think I am. AND, now knowing how LONG it takes for items to come in, I will only be ordering IF I don't need things quickly. 

With all my purchases, my hubby got in the act too! We checked out a local second hand store called twice as nice. Its a step up from a goodwill because they actually work on trade. They will take your items you bing in and use it as a credit trade for items in the store or they will give you a cash value for the items! So this in mind the store actually doesn't take ALL that people bring in. They only keep items in REALLY good condition. We had gone there to see what they had in maternity clothing (bust for me... I was still pretty small and can't think to buy cloths that I may miscalculate fitting me in a few months) but they also have a good selection of baby and kids clothing. And that is where this little number got purchased:

It was only $3 and its a newborn sized hoody! My hubby insisted on getting it because it is a gender neutral color and it will be "cold" when I have the baby... Keep in mind I live in Arizona and the majority of my Thanksgivings are spent in shorts and a t-shirt... but ok $3 is fine lol Plus lets add an AAAWWWWW for the cuteness of the hubby wanting to buy baby cloths! 

And FINALLY ... I didn't purchase this one.. I made it... (hehe) Some of you know I knit and crochet. Well one day while looking on Pinterest (I'm addicted to finding free patterns) I came across the "boobie hat" for infants... After a giggle I showed my husband and he insisted I make one! There is actually  meaning behind these hats BTW... For too long women have been shammed into corners or bathrooms when it comes time to having to breastfeed their babies. In recent years there has been movement where women are feeding "uncovered" in public places and it's even made the news in some states where some people are "wow good for you brave mommy" and some are "that's disgusting! Cover up, you are making everyone uncomfortable!" So obviously I'm on the good for you mommy side and even though I'll probably get a "hooter hider" because I believe in modesty, I know as baby's get older and their dexterity improves they often times remove the "hider" while they nurse and I think its funny if the baby wore this hat while nursing! 

I've also seen bigger ones made for adults and worn in the breast cancer walks by survivors and supporters. So these hats are not just for babies!

 Your comments and opinions are welcome! Just keep it nice and understand that everyone has a stance and right to parent their child the way they choose fit, weather it be covered or uncovered (hehe this hat though!)

Until next time!
Bre and the Bump!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Weeks 14 and 15

Hey family and Friends,

I'm doing these two weeks together because not too much happened last week and my week 14 would have been a really short post.. .well that's kind of a lie, we have been busy on baby projects, but they are for the baby room... which is a secret till after we know if it's boy or girl... so yeah, it would have lacked content but here's what I can tell you about week 14:

Mitzi insists on being in the pictures now!
Week 14: 
We had the 14 week check up with the doctor. She said I have gained 3 pounds. This is in the last 4 weeks and also since the beginning. So, not so bad, she said its totally normal and that I look good :) There was a  little bit of a tense moment when she was looking for the heartbeat and couldn't find it in the "normal" 14 week spot. The baby ended up being camped out next to my left hip! Just chilaxin.. the heartbeat was 150 beats per minute, down from 164 bpm 4 weeks ago. (So those tracking the heartbeat for predictions... don't know what this means lol)

I'm in my jammies, forgive me!

Developmentally week 14 the baby has grown to about 3 and a half to 4 inches and weighs about an ounce. On the face, the baby's ears and eyes are continuing to move to where they are supposed to be to be. My baby now has a defined neck and is able to move its head off its chest. From this point out, the baby's sexual organs are also able to be seen on sonograms. (I still have to wait until 19 and 1/2 weeks though to find out what this baby will be!)
Bruno caught on in the picture interest

Week 15:
This week has been pretty uneventful as well. I'm at the point where I'm just getting bigger (my belly is pretty noticeable now after I eat.. but the hubby says I still pretty consistently look like I just ate too much haha) When I'm in street cloths you can't really tell, but if I'm wearing a form fitting shirt there is no hiding my growing belly! My cats have become super clingy. CJ spends most of his day right at my lap or trying to cuddle on my chest. Pepper hasn't gone a night in the last week without sleeping right next to me. The dogs are still my little shadow (they follow me to the bathroom!) and as you can see they want to share the lime light in the update pics! I've ordered some baby things from some great deal sites that I will be doing a post on later this week. My Zulily order finally came in (after some other things I ordered weeks AFTER came in), so I'll include those purchases in the my haul post. I also got a maternity bathing suit as we live in Arizona and I'll be my biggest during the hottest part of the year (the 100's!).

Hubby update! We had his followup appointment for his ear this week as well and praise God he has been given a clear bill of health and is released back to his normal activities! (this includes swimming which he was told not to do until now to let his ear heal).

Developmentally the baby is 4 to 4 1/2 inches in length and 1 3/4 ounces. (roughly the size of a softball!) The baby is still covered in a thin layer of hair called lanugo (explains why I still have heartburn!). The bones forming in the baby are now dense enough to show up on a x-ray (if one was taken). The book and my doctor said I should start feeling the baby "flutters" in the next couple weeks, so thats defiantly something to look forward to!

Symptom Check!
Urination: It is my life now, all I do is pee. I can't get through a night without going a couple times and I've been known to go a couple times in an hour during the day!

Heartburn: Still going strong and steady! I'm still taking heartburn medication as needed to help with this, but really hope that at some point this will end!

Stamina: I'm getting some of my energy back, but can't go up a flight of stairs without getting winded haha.

Appetite: Now that I haven't been thawing up as much I've been able to get back into enjoying foods! Mexican food is still iffy though.. Some days the baby likes it, some days No WAY!

Cravings: I haven't had specific cravings but have noticed I've been eating saltier things: Pickles, chips (both regular and tortilla), ramen, etc. But I've also been enjoying sweet things.. but in the moorings: banana bread, waffles, french toast etc. So pretty much I've gone back to my Italian ways of enjoying food again!

Growth: As I said earlier, my weight has gone up 3 pounds. I've also gotten to the point of not being able to button any of my regular pairs of pants and some of my shirts no longs go down because of my increased bust size!

Question time!
So I only have one question for this week: what car seat/ travel system did you go with and WHY? was it price, popularity, consumer reports, ease of access. Did you get a car seat travel system combo or a car seat and separate stroller. Was it one that converts as the baby gets older of did you decided to get car seats and strollers for each stage of growth? See one question but many points of interest!

Thanks again to all those who give input on the questions! I read them and and record them for when I do my registries!!

Until next time!

Bre and the Bump!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Week 13 | Registry questions!

Week 13

Hello friends and family!
Firstly, thank you all so much to those who responded to my questions last week! I think I'll start making a couple questions each week as many of you are mommies or have been mommies for a while and are a  great resource to tap into through this process! (I'll have questions at the end of this post!)

I feel like I look smaller in this pic? thoughts?

As week 13 comes to an end I can say I'm excited to officially be out of the first trimester! This week not too much has happened in the McCabe household. The hubby and I are just getting back into our daily routine with him being back at work. I did purchase a few inexpensive bras that will hopefully get me through the next couple months before I get any larger! I also purchased a maternity swim suit.. for the pool I don't have... Who's inviting me over?!?! My Zulily order STILL hasn't shipped.. sigh.. I'm giving them until next week until I call and demand my money back... its been like 3 weeks and nothing... lesson learned... order from amazon. This week I haven't felt as good as I did last week though :( I have had a little bit of nausea and LOTS of heartburn, but with the baby's development this week, the heartburn kind of makes sense: 

In week 13 of development the baby is about 3 inches in length and weighs about a half ounce! Its about the size of a peach or a pea pod (awwww). This week the baby doesn't have much growth as much as its working on developing things to make body parts more proportioned. For instance, my baby's eyes are moving from the side of the head (ALIEN!) to the front, the head is going to stop growing at the same pace as the rest of the body (right now its like half the size of the whole baby!) so the rest of the limbs can start to lengthen and become more proportioned. It is also starting to form an ultra fine fuzz of hair all over it's body called lanugo... this may explain the heartburn! It's a fact that women who's baby's have hair suffer from heartburn.. so I'm concluding by baby has a bunch and looks like its sister:

Symptom check!
Hiccups: I'm not sure if this is a symptom, but before I was pregnant, I rarely got the hiccups. And now I get them all the time! I'm not sure if this in conjunction with the indigestion I get, or with things moving around inside me making room for the baby. But yeah.. anyone else get this symptom?

Urination: Its official, I can't go an hour without using the restroom! My record is 4 times in an hour! When we leave the house I have to map out our day according to bathroom breaks haha

Smell: As bad as my allergies clog my nose.. I still have this crazy sense of smell... I can smell things I've never been able to smell before.. and usually it's smells that make me throw up.. Lets just say baby daddy's gas can be smelled from across the house hehe

Heartburn: Yep.. its there, and it sucks... I find that I'm ok in the morning, but come the evening, the Heartburn is unbearable! I'm still on Zantac but hoping that this will lesson as the weeks go on!

Fit: Everything fits weird! :( I officially only have one pair of pants that I can still button... but by the end of the day I'm struggling. My hips just keep getting bigger! But I still haven't gained any weight! (that I know of)

Emotions: The only thing I've really noticed this last week is I'm still really short tempered or I'm not as patient as I usually am. Things annoy me WAY sooner then they normally would and I have to excuse myself from conversations a lot sooner then normal because I get aggravated easier. 

Question time!
1: So as I progress I've been getting a lot of questions about my registry or what I've registered for. I've been SLOWLY looking into items and trying to make a spread sheet comparing prices at different places (you all know I'm OCD and shouldn't be surprised if you ever followed my other blog about couponing and price matching). This is especially important as we will be EXCLUSIVELY cloth diapering our baby. So question: where did you all register/ did you compare pricing of different stores before registering or go off ease of access for your party going guests? (for example did you do target because its pretty much easily available to everyone?)

2: Excluding what I've already mentioned that I've personally purchased what are 3 items you registered for or WISH you had registered for that you couldn't live without for your baby.

3: On the opposite end, what are 3 items you wish you hadn't purchased/registered for and thought was a waste of money.

*For those curious as to the small amount of things I've started to register for check out the Registry link at the top of the page.

*** AAHHH!! So sorry I forgot to post this on time! ... I tried to work ahead and be all prepared and kind of forgot to post it lol... ***

Well that's all for this week!
Until next time!
Bre and the bump!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Week 12 Update!

Week 12!

Goodbye 1st trimester! As of tomorrow (Saturday) I will be starting my 13th week, aka the 2nd trimester!! In this trimester it is supposedly the time the mommy to be feels relatively the best. The morning sickness is supposed to be gone and the cute baby bump is supposed to be adorable aka the mommy isn't so big she feels like she's the size of a house (lol) So I am FOR SURE looking forward to feeling better because if you read my previous posts you know I've been having a hard time with the nausea and heartburn. 


This week I was 12 weeks pregnant (12 weeks 6 days in the pic). The baby is now roughly 2 1/2 inches and weighs a half ounce. By this week, my uterus has gotten too big to continue fitting in my pelvis and should start moving north toward the abdomen. The baby bump should be more and more noticeable as the baby continues its travels north and gets bigger each week. Also because of this growth, there is more pressure on my bladder. Since all the major structures have formed, this week's concentration was on the skeletal system. The baby now has individual fingers and toes all complete with nails. It also has some hair growth on the body (that explains the horrible heartburn!). The bump also has a digestive system and hormones are being secreted from the newly formed pituitary gland. The most interesting thing I think this week is that the baby's genitalia is staring to show! But sadly it is still too soon to be detected. 

Life Update!
First and foremost: it has been AWESOME having my hubby back! He is feeling MUCH better (still not 100%, but the eardrum swelling can take a while to go back to normal) and has gone back to work. (oh and for those of you who have messaged me asking why I don't put my hubby's name on the blog, it's out of respect to his privacy, until he says he wants his name out on the internet he will be referred to as the hubby.) My pets have been super happy to have him back home and have gotten back into their routine with him. 

This last week for me in all honesty has revolved around my bathroom breaks... I feel that all I do anymore is pee (more on that in the symptom section lol). I've ordered a couple things from Zulily and I'm waiting for those items to come in; apparently their shipping kinda sucks... as in maybe a month from now I'll get it... but when the items do come in I'll do a post :) Last weekend we headed up to Phoenix again to see my neighbor's new great dane puppies, and while we were up there I picked out some fabric for some decor in the baby room. (Not going to go too much into this until the room is done and I'll do a HUGE baby room post)

Speaking of ordering, I also ordered a crib! Now before you get too excited it's not THE baby crib. We already have a crib (to be revealed in the baby room post) that my parents provided (in reality I went to their house last year and demanded that it should be mine since they don't use it) and that will be the main crib we use. This crib I ordered is actually a mini collapsable crib. Why you ask? Well mainly because I HATE HATE HATE pack and plays and wanted something that "packs away" better then the big monstrous cages that take up half a room or car or closet. (I told you I hate them) I'll do a post on this crib once I get some bedding for it since its not part of my secret baby room project. :) 

I also got a call from the Dr's office this week to schedule my baby's anatomy scan.. get this.. for AFTER 19 weeks! I thought baby's gender could be determined at 15 or 16 weeks! But they wouldn't budge :( I'll have to wait... so the gender reveal party I want will have to be later then I expected. Another plus to having the hubby around is after I got this call, we started taking baby names. And I'm happy to report that we have agreed on a girl's name and a boys name that we really like! AND before you go and get too excited we WILL NOT be telling these choices... for a very long time... possibly until the birth... This is a piece of advice that I once got from a person who said she told her baby name choices early on to her friends and family and then suddenly people were saying things like (just an example) "oh I knew a Jack in high school... horrible kid," or "Oh I taught a little girl name Jill and her middle name was..." So you can see, we don't want other's influences or options to sway our name decisions. 

Symptom Check!
Heartburn/Nausea: The Nausea hasn't really shown up this week, and the heartburn has gone down to once a day, but I have had to double my doses on the Zantac because when I get it, it is still pretty bad. Also, I've been getting the heartburn mostly at night, so I feel pretty good during the day. 

Cravings: I haven't really had cravings this week, but I have been enjoying lots of snacking on small things like cheese and crackers and yogurt. 

Food aversions: The only major things I've still been having problems with is Mexican food, (we tried to have some the other day and it was a struggle, although it was more the enchilada and not the chips and salsa.. soooo PROGRESS!) and large amounts of meet. I still have not been enjoying beef (much to the hubby's dismay) and recently I can only stand a small amount of chicken.

Emotions: I don't think I've been too crazy with my emotions, but the hubby has pointed out that I am getting super frustrated at people more quickly then I usually would. In short, my patience has been running thin and as my hubby says "certain people may face the wrath of Bre" if my patience continues to run thin. (honestly don't see what he means lol I'm still as pleasant as ever right!?)

Hormones: this in the sense of how the hormones are effecting my skin. The last few weeks, I've been breaking out all over my face. This week I'm happy to report that my face has pretty much cleared up! however, the breakouts have moved to my back and shoulders! I've never had breakouts there before! AND they hurt! This may also be because it has warmed up here in southern Arizona... we've had many days in a row now above 90 degrees so I've been super overheated and sweaty... maybe its the heat and not the hormones? 

Urination: Well I was bound to talk about this at some point. I have noticed peeing more because of the increase of water I've had to drink, but lately... oh man... I feel like I have to plan my days around where the bathrooms are. I have to go once an hour on average now during the day and at least 3 times at night. And oh coarse I can't drink less water because that would be bad for both me and the baby. 

Stretch marks: This too was bound to happen and I'm very aware that no matter what you do, stretch marks are hereditary and can not be completely avoided. But these stretch marks are not on my stomach, (still nothing there) these are on my hips! (left one specifically) I still haven't gained any weight but have noticed that pants aren't fitting as well as they used to! So as I predicted a long time ago, my Italian roots have kicked in and my child bearing hips (as the saying goes) have started to show... and with that comes stretch marks. I just hope my hips don't get so big I'll have permanent saddle bags! I've also noticed some on my chest... I really don't want them to get any bigger (I think they are already big enough!... I guess this is the Native American in me....) So I've been willing them to shrink lol.. yeah we'll see how that works haha..

Question time!
So I thought since so many of you who read this are already moms or some who are dads, I thought I'd start making some questions to all you out there for some expert insight. 

1st question: For you mommies out there: At what point did you cave in and buy new bras? I'm pretty much out of my normal ones and squishing myself into sports bras that I feel are like corsets that are restricting air flow by the end of the day. 

2nd question: At what week did you find out the gender? Am I crazy for thinking after week 19 is too long to wait?

3rd question: When did you start "nesting" or fixing up the baby room? Do you think I'm a little ahead of myself? 

4th question: Did you and your spouse take a baby moon? As I've been doing my reading on the 2nd trimester, the book says that women like to take a last hurrah before they get to big or the baby comes.. what do you think? 

Well that's it for this week! Next time I post I'll be in my second trimester! WOOT!!

-Bre and the bump